Orange County NC Website
1.0 <br />BOCC Work Session <br />8!29/02 <br />Growth Control Recommendations <br />I. Develop an outline for a special use permit (SUP) process for the subdivision of land <br />creating 20 or more lots to be presented at 4!17!2002 BOCC meeting <br />II. Notify every applicant for residential subdivision approval: <br />(1) whose application ar proposed. application is not also :for a planned development <br />special use permit; or <br />(2) whose application or planned application involves the subdivision of land into <br />20 or more lots <br />that the Board of Commissioners will consider amending the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance, on or before December 2, 2002, to pravide.that any subdivision of land <br />creating 20 or more lots is a special use requiring a special use permit, <br />• The amendments that will be considered may include other procedural and <br />substantive requirements. These requirements may include: <br />(aj greater detail, coverage and confirmation of the `~rield plan" required in <br />the evaluation of whether the project maybe approved as a conventional plan or a <br />flexible plan; <br />(b} professionally prepared .groundwater analysis if the residential lots are <br />proposed to be served by wells; <br />(c) public water supply availability if the residential lass are proposed to be <br />served by a public water system. <br />• The notification shall advise the applicant that the applicant will not be considered to <br />have acted in good faith if the applicant proceeds, after the notification, with an <br />application while the amendments are under consideration. <br />• An application that has received special use permit agpravaL, preliminary plan <br />approval or that has been scheduled for Board of Commissioner preliminary plan <br />aetioni, will not be so notified and may proceed according to its special use permit or <br />preliminary plan approval and'the Orange County Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision <br />Regulations irr effect on the date of approval. <br />• Begin the notification process as soon as possible. <br />1 Only one residential subdivision that has not received either a special use permit or prelim <br />irrar}r <br />plan approval would likely qualify for consideration by the Board of Commissioners under the <br />zoning and subdivision rules in place now. That subdivision is Eno Ridge which is scheduled for <br />Board consideration on September 17,.2002. <br />