Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br />Intergovernmental Parks Work Group <br />Meeting Notes of October 9, 2019 <br />Members Present: <br />Earl McKee - Orange County Commissioner <br />Jamezetta Bedford - Orange County Commissioner <br />Mark Bell – Hillsborough Board of Commissioners <br />Aaron Davis - Mebane City Council Appointee <br />Jeanette Bench – Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Tamara Sanders - Carrboro Parks and Recreation Board <br />Rob Robinson– Orange County Parks and Recreation Advisory Council <br />Bo Howes -Triangle Land Conservancy <br />Rob English – Hillsborough Parks and Recreation Board <br />Hongbin Gu – Chapel Hill Town Council <br />Kim Livingston – Eno River Association <br /> <br />Absent: <br />Barbara Foushee – Carrboro Board of Alderman <br />Pat Heinrich – Chapel Hill/Carrboro City schools <br />Steve Halkiotis – Orange County Board of Education <br />Sara Childs - Duke Forest Resource Manager <br />Lynne Gronback – Orange County Commission for the Environment <br />Yinka Ayankoya - OWASA Board of Directors <br />Mary Altpeter-Orange County Department on Aging Advisory Board <br />Wesley McMahon – Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission <br />Bill Goa-UNC Recreation <br /> <br /> <br />Staff Present: <br />Marabeth Carr; and Beth Young; - Orange County, Dept. of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation <br />Phillip Fleischmann and Linda Smith - Chapel Hill Parks & Recreation <br />Wendell Rodgers - Carrboro Recreation & Parks <br />Stephanie Trueblood - Hillsborough Planning <br /> <br />Guests: <br />Bonnie Hauser; Rob Crook; two others <br /> <br />Meeting was held at the Orange County Passmore Center <br />A light meal of pizza, and drinks was provided. <br /> <br />Agenda Items / Notes (October 9, 2019) <br /> <br />1. Call to Order <br /> Chair Bedford called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM <br /> <br />2. Introductions / review of Meeting Notes <br /> Introduction of members and staff <br /> <br />3. Update-Multi-Modal Trail Concept / Bonnie Hauser; Rob Crook; two others <br /> Bonnie Hauser and Rob Crook of the Orange County Greenway Alliance presented their desired approach to <br />a feasibility study of a 15 mile Orange County greenway to connect Chapel Hill and Carrboro to Hillsborough <br />and Durham (See attachment “A”). <br /> Her group estimation is 15 miles at 1 million per mile <br /> Noted it will take time. Wake County has 150 miles already in place that took 30 years.