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The key components of the proposal are suggested as follows: <br />1. Identification of the proposed management team and their qualifications to operate the <br />shelter. <br />2. References from members of the animal shelter management industry that could attest <br />to the successful previous professional experience of each member of the proposed <br />management team. <br />3. The team's detailed proposal, which will include, but not be limited to the manner in <br />which they propose to address: <br />a. Staffing and supervision of the Shelter; <br />b. Customer relations; <br />c. Records management; <br />d. Animal population control; <br />e. Disease prevention; <br />f. Reporting and communications with the County; <br />g. Adoption and Reclamation Policies and Procedures; <br />h. After-hours emergency response service. <br />(Note: Veterinary services would be contracted directly by the County and would not <br />be included in this proposal.) <br />4. Identification of any upfront costs for which the proposer expects the County to be <br />responsible. This could include such items as capital equipment, supplies, or advance <br />monthly payment to cover payroll. <br />5. Insurance costs covering all business exposures of the successful proposer, including <br />worker's compensation coverage for employees. All policies would include Orange <br />County as an additional insured. <br />6. Proposer would cite a lump sum monthly cost to perform the services contained in the <br />proposal. <br />7. The term of the agreement approved with the successful proposer would be through <br />June 30, 2004, with extension at the Board of Commissioners' discretion. <br />Assuming that the County receives an acceptable proposal for management and operation of <br />the Shelter through June 30, 2004, the resulting agreement would allow the County to <br />accomplish the following objectives: <br />To provide for a continuity of services, should the BOCC elect not to provide an increase in <br />funding to the APS as the APS has requested, or should the APS elect not to continue the <br />contract beyond December 31 at the level of funding approved by the BOCC. <br />County management has stressed on several occasions a significant factor - it is not a <br />simple or immediate task for the County to assume operation of as critical, or sensitive a <br />public service as an animal shelter without proper planning and preparation. <br />• To provide for a reasonable and responsible transition period for the Shelter to move from a <br />function that the County contracts out to a function that is administered within County <br />government. The time period projected by County staff as minimum for an orderly and <br />effective transition is 4-6 months. <br />