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3. Lots 1 antl 26 shell not have tlired access onto LiHle River Cnurch Road but shell exit onU <br />BiNSOng Lane. <br />4. If an entranw sign ie anticipated antl will no[ be placetl within the 100-foot builtling buffer, <br />mainteinetl by the Homeowners Association, a sign easement must be reservetl within on[ <br />of the residential lots. <br />5. All common areas (steam buffers, builtling buffers, lendacape buffers) must be clearly <br />itlantified on the preliminary antl foal plats antl mainteinetl by the Homeowners Associatioi <br />The wmmon areas cannot be subdlvitletl or recombined with atllacen[ lots. Drag forms of <br />the Homeowners Association documents, inGudirg restrictive wvenants and cenaervation <br />easements. that contain use antl maintenance provisions for the open apace antl buffers <br />must be submittetl for review by the County AROrney as pan of the preliminary plat approve <br />process'. The restndive covenants or conservation agreement shall tlesgnate a backup <br />grantee in the event that the Homeowners Assodation is eliminatetl. <br />6. The preliminary end Mal plak shall contain a note resMding Ponher subtlivision. <br />]. Each lot shall contain an adequate arcs for septic tlisppsal and a repair area as approvaOl <br />the Orange County Division of Environmental Health. <br />8. The preliminary plat shall indicate areas for on-site infihretion of storm water that <br />demonstrates compliance with Article 6.23.3a of the Orenge County Zoning ONinence. <br />9. The location of all dreine9eweya, stream buffers and flootlplains shall be delineated on the <br />preliminary and final plats, along with apProptlate information regaMing reatnctions. <br />10.The tleveloper shall es+ablish a builtling limit line along the eestem etlge of lots 1-14 to <br />ellminate any flood potential from the dreinageway and beaver Dontl. This line should be <br />shown on the preliminary and final plats. ' <br />11. The preliminary plat shall show the location of Use protection fandng and contain a note <br />requiring the installation of tree protection fencing poor to any greding to ensure the <br />protection of vegetation wkhln all buffers antl open space. <br />12.The applicant shall tletlicate a minimum of 19,869 square feet (1/5] acre per resitlential lot <br />for public recreation space, or pay an in-lieuaf fee, as part of the preliminary plat approval <br />process. (Section IV-84-b Recreation Sites. Orange County subtlivision Regulations). <br />13.The applicant shall provitle a minimum of 43,293 square feet far private recreation space a <br />part of the preliminary plat approval proceae. (Section IV-B-]-b Recreation Sites, Oange <br />County Subdivision Regulations). <br />14.AII aVee[ names m be mservetl with GIS section of Planning Oepadment poor m submittal <br />preliminary plat subtlivision request <br />• Secontl Action: Planning 8oerd to conalderPrellminary Plat <br />The Planning Board reeommendetl approval of the preliminary plat for Birdsong <br />subtlivision on September 5, 2007 in accordance wish the abachetl Resolution for <br />Approval. <br />• Thlrtl Action: BOaN Of County COmmiasioners to consitlerProliminary Plat <br />1. The eoam shall censitler the applicator within a rsesoneble emomrt of time. <br />2. During tlelibera[ions aM mnsideretion of the application the Boats may defer <br />mnaltlere[lon at any point to pursue atltlitipnal analysis and review. <br />3. If the Preliminary Plat is approved by the County Commissioners the applicant shell hev <br />ne (1) year to prepare and file a Final Plet or to request eons-year eNension fmm the <br />Planning Director. <br />FINgNCIAL IMPACT: Fiscallmpad Analysis (attached) <br />