Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONSDEPARTMENT <br />Creig N. Benedict AICP, Director <br />Eroolon COnlrol 386E Revere Roatl <br />(9191205-2588 P O Boa 8181 <br />(9191600-3882 (FNd Hillsborough, <br /> ^.,, ...n•' Na~rlh.~C`a~roli~na, 212]8 <br />MEMO <br />To: Tina Moon, Planner II <br />From: Kristi Mspach, Erosion Control ORcer I® <br />Data: July 10, 2081 <br />RE: BiMSang Subtlivision <br />Upon review of the' Preliminary Plan far the Birdsong Subtlivision, Erosion Control sta% <br />have tleterminetl Nal the Neuse River Bu%er requirements have not been met. A 50' <br />Neuse River bu%er must be delineetetl on the Plan suncunding the pontl antl the blue <br />Ilne stream. This bu%er may be shown ea 30' foreatetl (Zane 1), 20' grassetlNegetatetl <br />(Zone 2). A bulltling line outside of this Duffer shoultl also be shown on each bt. <br />Zone 1 on the pond shell begin at the most lantlward limit of the normal water level, or <br />the rooted herbaceous, antl eMentl lantlward a tlistanm of 30', measured hotl2ontaly <br />on a line peryeMicular to Ne surface water. Zone 1 on the blue line stream shall begin <br />a[ the mast landward limb of the top of the bank, or the roofetl herbaceous vegetation. <br />antl extend landward a distance of 3lY on all sitles of the surface water, measured <br />hodaoraally onaline peryentlicularto the surtace water <br />Zone 2 shall consist of a stable, vegetated area that is undisturbetl except for activttles <br />antl uses provitletl for in the adachetl Table of Uses. Gretling antl revegetating Zane 2 <br />Is allowetl provitletl that the healm of the vegetation in Zone 1 is net compromised. <br />Zone 2 shall begin at the outer edge of Zone 1, and extentl lantlwartl 28' as measured <br />horiwntally on a line perpentliculbr to the surface water. <br />The following is a brief summary of provisions outlinatl in Ste Table of Uses that would <br />impaq single famiy lots:. <br />minimal tlisturbanras such as fences are allowed in Zone 2, w long as installation <br />does not require removal of any forest vegetation in Zane 1, <br />