Orange County NC Website
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by IM1e Boats of Orenge County Commissioners, that <br />iM1e Preliminary Plan kr BiNwng subtlivlslon is approved In saordance wl0 Ne above <br />mentlOne0 contlltiona antl egachetl Prellmmery Plet tlarod June 2Q 2001 (antl teal reNSed July <br />16,2001) <br />llpon mutton of Commissioner ,secontled by COmmisslmer <br />.IM1e foregoing resolution was adopted lMS Ne _day of ,2001. <br />I, eeveny F. elylne, CIeM to me 9aartl of Commieeionere forma Counry Ot Orenge, <br />Nonh Caroline, DO HEREBY CERTIFY 0a1 Pe hragoing is a We copy of so much of [he <br />proceedings of saitl Boartl at a meeting held on 2001 as relates in any way M <br />IM1e adoptim of me bregoing and That said proceedinga are rewrded in Minute Book No. _ <br />of the minutes of saitl BoaN. <br />WITNESS my M1antl antl the seal Ot saitl County, this _ day Of .2001. <br />Clad b the BOdN of Commissioners <br />