Orange County NC Website
m <br />5. If any condltim of ihls Resolution shall be M1eltl invalid or void, the Resolution <br />itself shell be vdtl and of no effect. <br />G. CBrtifilCatiOns <br />1. A Certificate of Survey aM Actuary signetl by a Professional Land Surveyor <br />shall be notarked on the face of the Flnal Plat. <br />2. A CeNOcete M DeGaation and Maintenance in Me form provitled In Section V-D- <br />fi-b of the Orange County Subdlvlslon Regulations signetl by the landowners and <br />developer shell he on the ta® of the plat antl indutletl in a tlacument tlescribing <br />tleaelopment resldcNons b be recortletl concurrently wiN [he Final Plat. <br />3. The NoM Carolina Department of Transportation shall wrtify that all roatls have <br />been wnatmtletl to Sate stantlaNS or that wnsimcdon plans have been <br />approved. <br />4. A Certifwte of Ayprovel signed by the Oange County Plannin8 and Inspections <br />Department <br />