Minutes 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
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4/7/2021 12:28:27 PM
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Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session; Item 1 - Joint Discussion with Mebane City Council on Buckhorn Area Plan (Study)
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2021\Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session; Item 2 - County Commissioners - Boards and Commissions – Annual Work Plan Summaries
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2021\Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session; Item 3 - Advisory Boards Appointments Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2021\Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session; Item 4 - Board of Equalization and Review – Discussion on Date Correction Action and Appointment of New Members and Chair
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2021\Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
Agenda for March 9, 2021 Virtual Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2021\Agenda - 03-09-2021 Virtual Work Session
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11 <br /> Jesse Day showed a map of the area in question. <br /> Cy Stober said Area B is not addressed in the comprehensive plan, with the exception of <br /> the two Medline South properties, which were the stimulus for this entire study. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if there is a limit to Mebane's annexation plans: a line <br /> beyond which Mebane will not annex. <br /> Tim Bradley said there is not a rule for this, and if there had been, Medline would not <br /> have been possible. He said requests are considered on an individual basis. <br /> Commissioner Greene said Medline is right near the highway, and is already completed. <br /> She said area B does not have water and sewer, and is not in the EDD. She asked if those <br /> facts would make a difference to Mebane. <br /> Chris Rollins said the proposal in question does have access to water and sewer, along <br /> west 10 road. He said the City has been considering including area B in its long-range plan. <br /> He said residents in C, D, and E expressed great concern, and the City removed those from <br /> consideration. He said there are many developers interested in area B. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if area E is not of interest due to the difficulty of installing <br /> water and sewer. <br /> Chris Rollins said there are no active developers interested in Area E, thus there is not a <br /> reason to consider that area at this time. <br /> Patty Philipps said she is glad this conversation is taking place. She said residents in <br /> this area cannot vote in the City of Mebane, but she is interested in their needs as they are <br /> neighbors. She said she supports healthy development that improves the quality of life. She <br /> said there are many details that need to be ironed out, but there is not a lot time to make <br /> decisions. She said some planning will need to be expedited. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked for clarification on Areas C and D. <br /> Chris Rollins said the City is not actively talking to any developers for areas C and D. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said there has not been a formal presentation to the BOCC, so it <br /> needs more time to consider the proposal. She said the more residential development that <br /> occurs; the more push back there will be against commercial development in areas C and D. <br /> She said she is concerned about the environmental concerns in Area D. She said areas B and <br /> C have more areas that are safer to develop. She said Area E already has sewer <br /> infrastructure, and a reserve of sewer capacity should be made in this area. She said given the <br /> middle school, maybe area C would be good for residential development. She said as <br /> residential growth continues, the County may ask the City to help identify an elementary school <br /> site. <br /> Sean Ewing asked for the city and the county to have urgent dialogue to find a way <br /> forward. He said a comprehensive plan will take too long. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he appreciates the discussion with the city, and said it is a bit <br /> overdue. He said the county went to Mebane for water and sewer for partnerships in order to <br /> secure Morinaga. He said several years ago, the county and city did not realize the <br /> development interest that would be coming. He said this interest has grown, and changed the <br /> perception of Orange County as being anti-business. He said the railroad and two major <br /> interstates are bound to attract attention. <br /> Chair Price asked if Mebane would consider low-impact residential or mixed use <br /> development in area C or D. <br /> Chris Rollins said it is hard to answer and depends on sewer system. He said this area <br /> is on the far end of the sewer system, and housing uses much more sewer capacity than <br /> industry. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she also greatly appreciated this conversation. She said <br /> she wants to come to an agreement on overlapping lines, so residents have some certainty that <br /> areas beyond that line will not be considered for development. <br />
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