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10 <br /> Pauli Murray awards last week, and they were very well done and very moving. She <br /> congratulated all involved. <br /> Commissioner McKee reiterated his suggestion that the BOCC consider moving back <br /> into a public meeting format for the budget season. He said more vaccines are available; more <br /> groups are eligible for vaccinations; and the Commissioners can move back into in-person <br /> meetings to increase access for those who cannot join the meetings, due to technology <br /> limitations. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the legislative breakfast is still happening. <br /> Laura Jensen said it is scheduled for April 19, 2021. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he recently attended a Durham Tech board meeting, and <br /> there is a priority focus on racial equity, especially due to Covid. He said given that Orange <br /> County has prioritized Durham Tech's new building in the Capital Investment Plan (CIP), he <br /> raised the question of renaming Durham Tech to include Orange County, as the school serves <br /> multiple communities. He said he also raised the idea of adding representatives of Orange <br /> County and Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools to the Durham Tech Board, just as has been <br /> done with the Durham Public Schools. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she also attended the Pauli Murray Awards ceremony, <br /> and was inspired. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she also was impressed by the Pauli Murray awards, and <br /> extended congratulations to the winners, participants, and planners. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the Pauli Murray Awards speakers and presenters were <br /> very inspiring. <br /> Chair Price said the Pauli Murray Awards ceremony was amazing, and she was pleased <br /> to be there. <br /> Chair Price said she attended a GoTriangle committee meeting, where a guest, Hill <br /> Carroll, spoke about bringing World University Games to the Triangle in 2027. She said this <br /> could be a revenue generator, and GoTriangle would be involved for providing transportation. <br /> Chair Price said she attended a meeting regarding the Greene Tract. She said plans <br /> are moving forward for a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and a public information <br /> meeting. <br /> Chair Price said that the Governor has eased some of the restrictions for COVID-19, but <br /> everyone should still wear a mask, remain six feet apart, and get vaccinated when possible. <br /> She said there is a basketball game this weekend in Chapel Hill against Duke, and the <br /> university is making preparations to keep people safe and prevent spread of the virus. <br /> Chair Price said she got a phone call asking about the libraries reopening, and asked if <br /> the Manager would coordinate with the library director on this. <br /> Chair Price said World Water Day is on March 22, 2021, asked if a resolution from <br /> Brennan Bouma, Sustainability Director, could be prepared for the meeting on March 16`h <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to the information about the Greene Tract MOU, and <br /> asked if there is an update on this process. <br /> Chair Price said the environmental study was completed, and the group talked about <br /> how to work together, how decisions will be made, and how to inform the community at one <br /> time, via a public information outreach strategy. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if there is a timeline for the MOU to come back to the <br /> Board. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the leadership went through the MOU at the last meeting, and <br /> agreed to forward it to the elected bodies. She said it should come to the Board in April. She <br /> said a major sticking point was whether there should be a majority vote or a unanimous vote. <br /> She said the decision was made for it to be unanimous, but there is a clause that a party can <br /> leave if it so chooses. She said the hope of the meeting was that all will work together. She <br />