Orange County NC Website
Whitted Human Services Center <br />7. At their October 1, 2003 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br />expenditure of an additional $475,000 to cover costs associated with the completion of the <br />Whitted Human Services Center (WHSC) renovation project. This amount, to be obtained <br />through alternative financing, will be included in the updated five year plan for the issuance <br />of County bonds and alternative financing, which will be presented during the October 27, <br />2003 Capital Investment Plan work session. This budget amendment provides for the <br />additional appropriation of $475,000 to the Whitted Human Services Center Capital Project. <br />(See Attachment 3, Whitted Human Services Center Capital Project Ordinance) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION (S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />approve the attached budget ordinance and capital project ordinance amendments. <br />