Orange County NC Website
9 <br />G. Cerdfieatiom <br />1. A Certificate of Survey and A¢wacy signed by a Professional Iand Surveyor <br />shall be notarized on the face of the Final Plat. <br />2 A Certifirate of Declaration and Maintmame in the form provided in Section <br />V D -b b of the Osage County Subdivision Regulations signed by the landowner <br />and developer shall be on the face of the plat and included in a document <br />describing development restrictions m be recnrded concurrently with the Final <br />Plat. <br />3, The North Carolina Depar®em of Transportation shall certify that Cereton <br />Way bas been constructed to Stale standards or that construction plans have been <br />approved prior to Planning Deparun no signatures on final plat. <br />4. A Certificate or Approval signed by the Orange County Planning and <br />Inspections Department, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by Be, Board of Orange County Commissioners <br />that the Preliminary Plan fns Duck Larding Property Subdivision ot approved in accordance <br />with the above mentioned cmditions and attached Prelhainary Plm dated June 6, 2001. <br />Upon nwrlon of Commissioner conded by Conunisaiover , <br />tnd foregoing resolution was adopted this the day of ,2001. <br />1, Beverly A. Blythe. Clerk to the Board of Comudssiovem for the County of Orange. <br />North Cartoon, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the <br />proceedings of said Deal at a meeting held on , 2001 as relates in my <br />way to the adoption of the foregoing and that said proceedings are recorded m Mourne <br />Book No of the minutes of sold Board. <br />WITNESS my band and the seal of said County, this day of , 2001. <br />Clerk to the Board of Conunissioners <br />