Orange County NC Website
Shallow Trench Convenmarul Systems are placed in as as wibe 30 inches or mom, ofpmviaimally suitable chamdenstics. <br />Cwventioml Systems arc placed in areas wiN ] 6 inhes or more ofProvincially miWle chazacteriauca. <br />The approved septic areas ehouNbe kept flee of wander lmRie, logging gedmil audcampactioe sace"bes. we rvi <br />septc areas be topcoat of tempt Ewng Iml avd Mme conewchen to miwrvze soil dismrbena. <br />This repml is 0f planting putpoees oWy and don MI CONGNte my appmval. Lot vppfovel M Qavtel Only to the (fm o: <br />lcmm l." <br />