Planning Board - 010621
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Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board - 010621
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Last modified
3/29/2021 12:19:26 PM
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3/29/2021 12:12:25 PM
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9 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 113 <br /> 114 Earl Lewellyn: If we dropped back the traffic generation intensity by that 10%would we still be recommending removal of <br /> 115 160,yes we would indeed. It was an issue brought up even before we instituted that addition. <br /> 116 <br /> 117 David Blankfard: Would that exit have to be removed on day one? <br /> 118 <br /> 119 Earl Lewellyn: My personal recommendation is yes,you would absolutely want to have it operational at day one and 1 <br /> 120 believe that is the opinion of NCDOT too. <br /> 121 <br /> 122 Melissa Poole: There is a hotel in phase 2 do you already have that or it's just a proposal and you don't know what it will <br /> 123 be? <br /> 124 <br /> 125 Beth Trahos: There is not a specific hotel user today. <br /> 126 <br /> 127 Stan Beard: If I can address some of the phase 2 questions,we only call it phase 2 because it will be subsequent to Buc- <br /> 128 ee's operating and breaking in as we get the kinks out of our operating,traffic. We watch that very intently for the first half a <br /> 129 year and then once we get comfortable with where we are and everyone else around us,we will start fielding inquiries from <br /> 130 other users, hotels, retail shops, sit-down restaurants who like think we are a good fit for them. A hotel, and please keep in <br /> 131 mind that we will continue to own this entire development for the foreseeable future. We're going to be very stringent who <br /> 132 the hotel is, it's going to be in the higher up major chain type of offerings. The same thing with sit down restaurants. <br /> 133 <br /> 134 Melissa Poole: My question is around a lot of public comments that I've seen have been around potential crime and I know <br /> 135 that is a concern. It always is any time you've got any industrialized space, particularly when you are going to have a hotel. <br /> 136 So, can you commit to an internal entry to rooms hotel versus an external. <br /> 137 <br /> 138 Stan Beard: This will be a hallway hotel,there will not be a motel situation at all. <br /> 139 <br /> 140 Melissa Poole: On pages 114-115 from the memo from Department of Environment,Ag and Parks and Rec(DEAPR) <br /> 141 regarding the Seven Mile Creek watershed, and it references;the staff recognizes the site plan submitted shows the <br /> 142 developers effort to preserve the watershed (I'm summarizing that)as the easement grantee, the County would be <br /> 143 responsible for monitoring the site. It looks like a recommendation, I'm just curious as to with this recommendation,what's <br /> 144 going on with that? <br /> 145 <br /> 146 Michael Harvey: You're talking about Christian Hirni's memo(shared screen). Obviously, as Ms. Trahos has indicated, <br /> 147 there are several open spaces areas (Mr. Harvey identified the areas on the map denoting open space)and the darker <br /> 148 areas are stream buffers around identified wetland areas and streams. In discussions with DEAPR staff there was a <br /> 149 question on whether or not there would have to be conservation easements put around these areas to preserve and protect <br /> 150 the water features. The applicant has already indicated that they are going to comply with Section 6-13, the stream buffer <br /> 151 standards, of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). As a result,the natural area in and around these streams would <br /> 152 have to be protected with either a 65 or 85 foot buffer. In certain instances,there will actually be more land are preserved, <br /> 153 though designed open space, in a natural state increasing established County buffers. I believe what Mr. Hirni was <br /> 154 referring to is that we (the County)would have to monitor development activities to ensure that the buffer is protected <br /> 155 consistent with existing land use regulations. One of the concerns Mr. Hirni has also talked about is the potential for <br /> 156 environmental degradation of the Seven Mile Creek preserve which is the area south of the Project(shown on GIS). This is <br /> 157 the area (Mr. Harvey identified an area of property at the southeastern portion of the project)that does flow, at least is <br /> 158 anticipated to flow, across the interstate approximately 1,000 feet south to property owned by Orange County and others <br /> 159 within the Seven Mile Creek Preserve area. What the County is also obligated to do is hold this applicant to existing <br /> 160 stormwater control measures as detailed within the UDO, including nutrient(nitrogen and prosperous) removal as part of <br /> 161 our stormwater rules. When you look at the totality of the development and you look at DEAPR's memo and staff <br /> 162 conditions,we believe that we have addressed DEAPR's concern and that a conservation easement is not going to be <br /> 163 necessarily warranted due to existing compliance with County regulatory standards. There are going to be multiple moving <br /> 164 parts to that issue but it needs to be remembered what regulations we have in place and how they will be enforced on this <br /> 165 project if approved. <br /> 166 <br /> 167 Craig Benedict: To restate the summary, if approved,the master plan development rezoning is a document that gets <br /> 168 recorded and stays with the land. These uses and various regulations they have to adhere to are ongoing commitments by <br />
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