Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 225 you are looking at a signal. What you guys have managed to do is to stay out of that issue for a while and what we are <br /> 226 seeing now is what we believe to be a great site for Buc-ee's. We really like being here; this is a cool site for us. Given the <br /> 227 fact that we are who we are,we have the ability to work with the County and work with you guys figuring out all sorts of <br /> 228 ways to as least impactful as we can. The traffic issues are unavoidable if we or anyone else is to go there, NCDOT is <br /> 229 going to stick to their guns and say we don't like the braided ramp, never have,we're getting rid of them and whoever <br /> 230 comes in is going to get rid of them. What we've done is our traffic studies are based on our traffic. The last thing,the very <br /> 231 last thing that Buc-ee's needs is a traffic problem and that means the traffic problem throughout that whole intersection. <br /> 232 What we hope we have done and we have experience in doing this and we have feedback from NCDOT and our engineers <br /> 233 all along the way, that we are creating a more efficient, safe intersection. It's going to cost you a couple of minutes or more <br /> 234 and I apologize for that being a guy who has great respect for my own exit ramp when I come home. We are hoping you <br /> 235 guys in Efland, that this can become a real development for Efland that isn't 2 million square feet of distribution center. <br /> 236 That is only'/z million square feet of cool stuff. Buc-ee's and a nice hotel, nice sit down restaurants where it becomes part <br /> 237 of Efland and part of your commute.We have looked at every other way.To get DOT's permission to construct a project on <br /> 238 that 100 acres is going to take answering their concerns and their big concern is that eventually that is a failing system and <br /> 239 it will fail and they'll have accidents and they'll have to spend 12 million to fix it where we're here and we will spend the <br /> 240 dollars to make this work for us and for the neighborhood. <br /> 241 <br /> 242 Michael Harvey: I want to remind the Board in order for any reconfiguration of these exits to occur,there has to be NCDOT <br /> 243 and Federal Highway Administration action through various processes independent of this Zoning Atlas Amendment. If <br /> 244 elimination of(westbound) Exit 160 is approved, the project moves forward consistent with this master plan. If it's not <br /> 245 approved,then the applicant will have to work with NCDOT and the County Planning staff to develop and incorporate <br /> 246 another solution. Keep in mind there is an external process that will have to occur in order for this to become reality. Staff <br /> 247 has made recommendations on conditions associated with traffic management and impacts. <br /> 248 <br /> 249 Carrie Fletcher: For Mr. Beard,first of all why do you think having a giant travel oriented business right there in Efland,we <br /> 250 have several large refueling stations, not in the very far distance from where you want to build, an exit or two over. Do we <br /> 251 really have a need for such a large refueling station? What justifies the use of this land for such a large project? Two, how <br /> 252 do we keep Orange County's vision of a rural community and I bought into Orange County ten years ago because it was a <br /> 253 rural community. Many people still have that vision. I understand the need for development, I understand the zoning, 1 <br /> 254 understand the whole reason behind why we are reaching out for people to come and do projects like this but what will <br /> 255 keep people thinking Orange County is a rural community. Have we changes our mind on how we want to envision <br /> 256 ourselves. The third is the property you're going to build this on,who owns this right and how do you get access to it? I'm <br /> 257 unclear on that. Maybe I am blurry on that but I would like clarification on that. <br /> 258 <br /> 259 Stan Beard: The first answer is our business is to be the best pit stop off of any road trip you've been on. The clean <br /> 260 restroom and plentiful foods available all of that,the friendly atmosphere is a Buc-ee's experience. We've been doing this a <br /> 261 long time,we have a bunch of stores in Texas and we are in Alabama and about to open in Georgia. Building in Florida <br /> 262 and South Carolina so what we want to do and the reason we are here at this site is that we want to be in the middle of <br /> 263 somebody's trip road trip either going East, West, North, South that needs to stop for a clean restroom, reasonable gas and <br /> 264 cool stuff to buy.That brings us to a freeway system that has two merged interstates for a stretch that carries a 125,000 <br /> 265 cars per day on that stretch. It travels East/West through Orange County and it is in the middle of a well-traveled length of <br /> 266 folks going from Virginia all the way over towards this way. Where we are now, is it's on a 100 acre tract next to the <br /> 267 freeway bounded by the railway and the 70/85 connector and so I respect the fact that Orange County is a rural place and 1 <br /> 268 agree I think it is and I think the Efland area in particular is beautiful and very rural feeling. I do not think that this tract is a <br /> 269 rural tract. I think it is an undeveloped 100 acres that could very easily be a truck stop which we are not. We are would <br /> 270 rather not be compared to the truck stops. We have the ability here to fit into a spot where a distribution center might go or <br /> 271 a warehousing farm. We're in a position where we can give back a lot of good things, benefits, less intensive development, <br /> 272 more green space. You've heard it all but it's true,we are not covering up 2 million square feet of this 100 acres with <br /> 273 buildings. We are one quarter of that. That is why we are there,we are there because it is a good opportunity for us and it <br /> 274 fits within our strategy of reaching a wide range of folks.There are going to be local folks who shop there but 70%of them <br /> 275 are traveling from all over the place and they are going to get to stop in Efland, Orange County for 45 minutes and you <br /> 276 never know they might stay. I hope I answered the rural part. I will say that we, I don't get too detailed, but I'm fairly certain <br /> 277 that we follow along with all of the comprehensive use plans,the nodes. <br /> 278 <br />