Orange County NC Website
Article 1: Administration 22 <br /> Section 1.1: General Provisions <br /> connection with such construction, provided that actual construction work must be <br /> diligently pursued until completion of the building. <br /> (B) Building permits, variances, special use permits, subdivision plans, site plan <br /> approvals, and other similar development approvals that are valid on April 5, 2011, <br /> will remain valid until their expiration date. Development may be completed in <br /> accordance with such approvals, even if such building, development or structure <br /> does not fully comply with provisions of this Ordinance. If building is not commenced <br /> and diligently pursued in the time allowed under the original approval or any <br /> extension granted, then the building, development or structure must meet the <br /> standards of this Ordinance in effect at the time of re-application. <br /> (C) Applications for building permits, variances, special use permits and other similar <br /> development approvals that were submitted in complete form and were pending <br /> approval on April 5, 2011 shall be reviewed under the terms of the ordinance(s) in <br /> effect at the time the application was deemed complete. Any re-application for an <br /> expired approval must meet the standards of the ordinance(s) in effect at the time of <br /> re-application. <br /> 1.1.15 Vested Rights and Permit Choice <br /> (A) In accordance with the provisions of NCGS 1 FT160D-108 a property owner <br /> may seek a vested right designation on any Ssite-Sspecific dev ,rVesting6 <br /> Pplan consistent with the standards and requirements detailed herein. <br /> (B) If an application made in accordance with this Ordinance is submitted and a <br /> development regulation changes between the time the application was submitted and <br /> a decision is made, the applicant may choose which version of the development <br /> regulations will apply to the application, in accordance with NCGS 160D-108.- <br /> 1.1.16 Severability <br /> It is the legislative intent of the Board of County Commissioners in adopting this Ordinance that all <br /> provisions and sections thereof shall be liberally construed to protect and preserve the peace, <br /> health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of Orange County and, further, that should <br /> any provision, portion, section, or subsection of this Ordinance be held to be construed as <br /> affecting the validity of any of the remaining provisions, portions, sections or subsections, it is the <br /> intent of the Board of County Commissioners that this Ordinance shall stand, notwithstanding the <br /> invalidity of any provision, or section or part thereof. <br /> 1.1.17 Repeal of Existing Regulations <br /> All existing regulations now contained within this Ordinance are hereby repealed. The adoption <br /> of this Ordinance, however, shall not affect nor prevent any pending or future prosecution of, or <br /> action to abate, an existing violation of said regulations, as amended. <br /> (A) Status of Prior Violations <br /> (1) All violations of the regulations repealed by the adoption of this Ordinance shall <br /> remain violations of the ordinances of Orange County and all penalties and <br /> enforcement remedies set forth herein shall be available as though the violation <br /> were a violation of this Ordinance. <br /> (2) However, if the effect of this Ordinance is to make a formerly unlawful or <br /> nonconforming use become lawful and/or conforming, then no enforcement <br /> action shall be taken except for the imposition and collection of penalties for the <br /> violations that occurred prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. <br /> 6 Chapter 160D standardizes the terminology state-wide to"site specific vesting plan". <br /> This is existing state law that staff is suggesting be added to the LIDO to provide additional clarity on what is <br /> allowed and the process(as spelled out in state statutes). <br /> Orange County, North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 1-6 <br />