Orange County NC Website
with Orange-Alamance's contribution of up to $800 per year). <br />The water supply monitoring project is again up for re-authorization, with a fairly substantial cost <br />increase and a new methodology of calculating each participant's cost share. Accordingly, the <br />cost to every participant, except that of the City of Durham, has increased rather dramatically. <br />However, Durham has always paid the lion's share of the project costs since Raleigh's <br />withdrawal from the project (historically approximately 50°/a) as the largest water user. Orange <br />County's share of the project cost has nearly doubled (at approximately $6,800, or $6,000 net if <br />Orange-Alamance maintains its $800 contribution). It is important to note, however, that the <br />local share of cost for operating the stream flow-monitoring gage at Hillsborough is included in <br />this project. Should Orange County withdraw as a project sponsor, the County -which is <br />obligated by the terms of the Eno River Capacity Use Agreement to ensure (by funding <br />arrangement with the USGS) that this gage continues to operate -would be faced with paying <br />the $3,500 annual local share required to maintain the Eno gage. <br />At this point, USGS staff has completed all of the data collection associated with the Phase 4 <br />project. USGS staff is currently reviewing all of the information collected, analyzing trends, etc., <br />and preparing a report proposed for completion/publication in the spring of 2004. That report <br />will be available to the public, and County staff will provide the report to the BOCC when it is <br />completed. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Approximately $6,800 per year, less any Orange-Alamance contribution <br />(currently $800 per year). <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the BOCC re-authorize the County's <br />continued participation in the Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project (Phase 5) for the <br />next four years and authorize the Manager to execute the interlocal agreement. <br />