Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: D44FBOEB-DA34-4A73-A73D-3D95E1AE8OA2 <br /> Of the above, how many Hispanic/Latino <br /> Of the above, how many non-Hispanic/Latino <br /> Total 0 0 0 0 <br /> Age <br /> 0-5 years <br /> 6-18 years <br /> 19-50 years <br /> 51+years <br /> Total 0 0 0 0 <br /> Geographic Location <br /> Town of Chapel Hill <br /> Town of Carrboro <br /> Orange County(Outside of Chapel Hill/Carrboro) <br /> Outside of Orange County <br /> Total 0 0 0 0 <br /> Income <br /> Low-income(80%of the Area Median Income and Below) Please see <br /> income table in the attachments <br /> Total 0 0 0 0 <br /> Note: Historical Foundation of Hillsborough and Orange County (OCHM) does not <br /> capture statistics on gender, ethnicity, or age from museum visitors. In Calendar Year <br /> 2019, the Museum hosted 3,643 adults and 505 children despite the Museum being <br /> closed from mid-November through December due to building repairs. <br /> 8. Cost Per Individual <br /> This cost per individual must reflect the total program budget divided by the total number of program <br /> individuals in this application. <br /> Actual 2018-19 Projected 2019-20 Projected 2020-21 <br /> Total Cost of Program $9,606 $9,606 $10,000 <br /> Total # of Individuals 4,500 (approx.) 4,148 (approx.) 5,000 <br /> Cost Per Individual $2.13 $2.32 $2.00 <br /> 9. Performance Indicators <br /> For Chapel Hill and Carrboro applicants: <br /> Please complete the following chart with information about the Strategic Objective, Intermediate Result, and <br /> the Agency Performance Indicator for each program for which you are applying for funding. Please see the <br /> Results Framework in the Attachments section as a reference. <br /> Program Name: <br /> Strategic ❑ Children improve their educational outcomes <br /> Program information P a g e 10 o f 2 1 <br />