Orange County NC Website
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF <br />CONSERVATION EASEMENT OPTION AGREEMENT <br />THIS OY110N AGREEMENT, h¢eirwR¢ referred b os Optiov, made and m(cred wto <br />Wis day Vf_ __. ,200 t, by end betweev <br />hereiveft¢ iefen 1 ro as We Gravtvq evil We State of Nurth Carolina, a body pohfic <br />evil wtporate, evil its successors and assigns, her¢nafl¢referrad to as We Sete. <br />MTNP88ETtl <br />W eunsid lion of rood and valuable consid¢eriov, the racipt evil adaluacy ofwhich is <br />hereby aclmowl~ged, evil of We agreements covlaimd in this Opriori, Grenror heeby <br />gevts ro We State, and its successors and assigns, the exclusive right and option to <br />ranee a servatiw ees¢vrnt, on that cutain trail er parcel of laud, locazed N <br />~nCounty, NoNa Carolina, conlairWrg_ acres, mare or leas, and which is <br />more particulxly dcscdb¢I as fo0ows~ <br />The ProPerlY is Imih¢ described in a deM hmv to <br />recorded in Geed Bock - _J Pega , <br />CountyRegietry. <br />TM1a following terms, provisions, and covditiona are further agreed ro: <br />1. OPTTON PERIOll. This oplion shall remain in eff t from the date Wat tWe Optiov <br />has 8av exwuted by the Gravtor wtil the day of , 2001. ]iris <br />Opton shall be ax¢clsed open pasdng, by cerdfied mail, a wn¢en novae ro the <br />Graomr az We following address <br />Lx¢cise shell be deemed timely if such written notice is mailedon ar before the date <br />&at sd foM in this Paragraph. <br />1 PllRCI1A5E PRICE. Tlils covservetlov wecmwt is beh~y doval~by the Grantor. <br />3. ExECUTTON. Executor of We conservation easement und¢ this Opton shall be <br />held witldv. days oftha axammmfihis Option. <br />4. 9OBdECT TO SURVEY ANT OF.SIGN. It is tmdastood antl intmdetl Wat We fiml <br />. arvadon eas®tenf azea wvcmd und¢ Wis optron is subject to final design and <br />mrveywith Na vests ofsaid desixn and survrypaid by the Slate. <br />