Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:6FC15AFD-730D-4F91-B5F4-979F6AB5737C <br /> 7.Target Population: Please complete the table below with numbers (not percentages) of individuals served <br /> and projected to be served. <br /> Program Target Population Demographics <br /> J <br /> jected Actual Projected Projected <br /> 18-19 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 <br /> Gender <br /> Men 13,940 14,155 14965 14965 <br /> Women 20,060, 20,370 21,535 21,535 <br /> Nonbinary/Genderqueer <br /> Self-Describe <br /> Total 34,000 34,525 36,500 36,500 <br /> Race and Ethnicity <br /> Black or African-American 3,400 3,453 3,541 3,541 <br /> American Indian or Alaska Native 68 69 73 73 <br /> Asian 1,700 1,726 2,920 2,920 <br /> White 25,745 1 26,143 26,572 26,572 <br /> Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 27 27 29 29 <br /> Two or more races <br /> Some other race 3060 3,107 3,285 3,285 <br /> Total 34,000 34,525 36,500 36,500 <br /> Of the above, how many Hispanic/Latino 3060 3,107 3,285 3,285 <br /> Of the above, how many non-Hispanic/Latino 30,940 31,418 33,215 33,215 <br /> Total 34,000 34,525 36,500 36,500 <br /> Age <br /> 0-5 years 1,425 1,397 548 548 <br /> 6-18 years 27,550 27,128 10,585 10,585 <br /> 19-50 years 29,450 28,861 11,315 11,315 <br /> 51+years 36,575 35,844 14,053 14,053 <br /> Total 34,000 34,525 36,500 36,500 <br /> Geographic Location <br /> Town of Chapel Hill 25,840 26,239 27,740 27,740 <br /> Town of Carrboro 5,440 5,524 5,840 5,840 <br /> Orange County(Outside of Chapel Hill/Carrboro) 2380 2,417 2,555 2,555 <br /> Outside of Orange County 340 345 365 365 <br /> Total 34,000 34,525 36,500 36,500 <br /> Income <br /> Low-income(80%of the Area Median Income and Below) Please see Unknown Unknown <br /> income table in the attachments Unknown Unknown <br /> Tota I <br />