Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> stopping. He said his department suggests that residents call 911 ahead of time to let them <br /> know they will be shooting, so public safety can reassure callers, and deputies will understand <br /> into what they are walking. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if any calls have had issues of safety. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said maybe one call out of fifty. He said he will follow up with specific <br /> numbers. He encouraged the Commissioners to ride with deputies to see what kinds of calls <br /> they get and how deputies handle situations. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if there is a sense of how many people target shoot in <br /> the County. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said numbers are different based on the different districts, with fewer <br /> shooters in southern part of County, and more in the northern part. He estimates less than 250 <br /> people total. <br /> Commissioner McKee said for historical context this issue has come up over several <br /> years, and the task force spent much of its time discussing this very topic. He said he agrees <br /> with the Sheriff's estimations. He said he skeet shoots 3-4 times a year, but others do so more <br /> regularly. He said where he lives it is normal, and he has heard it all his life. He said it is a <br /> different situation in a subdivision, where residents do not know what kind of gun a person is <br /> shooting, and there is a wide range of how far the projectiles will go. He said this was a major <br /> part of the shooting task force's discussion to try to find a middle ground between the right to <br /> own firearms and when to use them. He said it boils down to noise, and whether the noise <br /> aggravates the neighbors. <br /> Chair Price said there was discussion on how far they should impose the regulation. <br /> She said a 300 foot buffer gives room to shoot, but a 600 or 900 foot buffer gives no room to <br /> practice. <br /> Commissioner Greene said this most recently came to the Board over a year ago due to <br /> complaints from the west side of Carrboro, but the lots were large and there was nothing the <br /> Board could do to regulate the issue at the time. She asked if there is anything the Board can <br /> do at this time. <br /> John Roberts said the discussion in September 2020 was regarding subdivisions, and a <br /> distance buffer, density and urbanized developments. He said it is not feasible to make <br /> ordinances around subdivisions due to the number and variety. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the Board looked at Durham's noise ordinance, but Durham <br /> found it unenforceable. She said a family came in front of the Board who agreed to only shoot <br /> one day of a week and communicated this to neighbors, which worked well. <br /> Chair Price said there is very little the BOCC can do, and agreed with the Sheriff about <br /> calling 911 before one shoots. She said if someone contacts Commissioners with concerns, <br /> they should also call 911. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said the topic has been discussed many times and all options have <br /> been explored, including what other counties do. He said an educational program may be <br /> helpful in neighborhoods where lots of shooting is happening to help with expectations, and <br /> tools for resolving issues. He said he would be happy to facilitate this type of endeavor. He <br /> said people feel entitled to shoot on their own land, while others feel entitled to not have to hear <br /> shooting on their own land. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said a community education policy makes a lot of sense, but he <br /> is not ready to jettison the discussion of buffers. He clarified that if a 300-foot buffer is <br /> instituted, no shooting could happen in a buffer of 300 feet around a residential structure. He <br /> reviewed a map in the agenda packet. <br /> John Roberts said yes. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said each map has more shaded areas, because the buffer <br /> distance is increasing with each one. He said the number of residences does not change. <br />