Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> WHEREAS, in the great ice storm of 2002, Ron Stutts helped WCHL stay on the air and guided <br /> our community with vital information during a power outage that lasted for days, while sleeping <br /> in the studio of WCHL for several nights in a row; and <br /> WHEREAS, Ron Stutts was awarded Radio Personality of the Year by the North Carolina <br /> Association of Broadcasters in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2019; and <br /> WHEREAS, Ron Stutts has donated many hours of his time serving as the Emcee for many <br /> community events and organizations over the years, including at festivals, concerts, and <br /> fundraisers; and <br /> WHEREAS, residents throughout the community will miss starting each day listening to that <br /> silky smooth voice to get their community news and information, as well as some groovy song <br /> recommendations, from their friend Ron Stutts; and <br /> WHEREAS, although we will all greatly miss "waking up" with Ron Stutts in the morning, we <br /> wish him the very best; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, we, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby recognize <br /> and express deep appreciation and respect for the services rendered by Ron Stutts to the <br /> Orange County community, and wish him well in his retirement. <br /> This the 2nd day of February 2021. <br /> Renee Price, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve the Proclamation recognizing and honoring Ron Stutts for his 43 years of serving the <br /> Chapel Hill/Carrboro and Orange County community on WCHL radio and wishing him well in his <br /> retirement, and authorize the Chair to sign the proclamation. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Ron Stutts thanked the Board, and said it has been an honor to serve Orange County, <br /> and hopes that everyone continues to listen to WCHL. He thanked the Board for all it does, <br /> and said he will be writing, listening to music, and spending time with his family. <br /> Coworker Aaron Keck talked about the first time going on the air with Ron Stutts. He <br /> said it is intimidating, but Ron Stutts is a warm human being, a friend to everyone, and a <br /> fantastic mentor. He thanked him for his service. <br /> Commissioner McKee said congratulations, and to enjoy his time off. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin thanked Ron Stutts for being a great person, and he will leave <br /> big shoes to fill. <br /> Commissioner Fowler thanked Ron Stutts for being a vibrant force and personality. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton thanked Ron Stutts for his service to the community. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she looked forward to seeing him around the community. <br /> Chair Price thanked Ron Stutts for showing love to the community, and wished him well. <br />