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5 <br /> not just the towns. He said businesses that come into Efland should help the County and the <br /> schools. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the <br /> agenda below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she had no comments. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he had no comments. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton read the following two petitions: <br /> When I was elected to this Board, I pledged to serve the residents of Orange County to <br /> the best of my ability. I have been appreciative of the information provided by our County <br /> manager and staff and my fellow commissioners. However, to be at my best, I would like to <br /> petition for the Commissioners to require that the Board agenda and supporting documents be <br /> available one week before a board meeting. I am not looking for this change to happen right <br /> away since there are a lot of departments to coordinate. And I expect that there will be urgent <br /> items that come up after the week. Given the volume of information, getting the information <br /> Thursday before a Tuesday meeting is not enough time. <br /> I also want to petition to have my fellow commissioners consider using the 3-minute <br /> timer during this comment/announcement/petition time. It is stated on the agenda and I think we <br /> should follow that rule unless there is a compelling reason to override it. I think that it provides a <br /> model to the public about staying to the 3 minutes. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she is looking forward to the virtual agriculture summit on <br /> February 8-10. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he had no comments. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she attended the Mental Health Community Collaboration <br /> Steering Committee, which is currently focusing on social and emotional curriculum at the high <br /> school level. She said she also attended the Go Triangle Tax Board meeting, and was elected <br /> as Vice Chair, with Commissioner McKee elected as Chair. She said she attended the <br /> Behavioral Health Task Force, where there were updates from the diversion and RISE <br /> subcommittees, and the conclusion was a recommendation for a diversion facility that would <br /> keep individuals from ending up in jail or in the hospital. <br /> Chair Price said on February 16th the Board will receive a resolution on the Crown Act, <br /> and she petitioned the board to sign it. She said the schools sent a letter requesting support <br /> from the Governor to allow teachers to get vaccinated soon, as schools are planning to open <br /> up. She said staff is preparing a letter. She said a joint meeting with Mebane is being <br /> scheduled. She asked Bonnie Hammersley for clarification on the BOCC getting information on <br /> the Buckhorn Area Plan before the planning board. <br /> Craig Benedict, Planning Director, said the presentation to the planning board will only <br /> be for informational purposes. He said the BOCC will also receive information on February 16. <br /> Commissioner Green expressed concern about not having public comment at the <br /> planning board meeting. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the meetings are for providing information, prior to the joint <br /> meeting with Mebane. <br />