Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> precedent, and this is not the same as saying no one can speak on a topic at any time. He said <br /> it is specific to the context of having had a public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Greene said there are individuals who might have wanted to speak at the <br /> meeting, but did not sign up because the Board announced that the public hearing was over. <br /> She said this where the fairness issue lies. <br /> Chair Price said she cannot assume what a commenter will say until they begin <br /> speaking, so she will have to call on each person. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 5 (Commissioner Bedford, Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner Fowler, <br /> Commissioner Greene, Chair Price); Nays, 2 (Commissioner Hamilton and Commissioner <br /> McKee) <br /> MOTION PASSES <br /> Leo Allison thanked the Board for its past support for projects in Efland, such as the <br /> Efland Cheeks park and the sewer system, and other projects that are important to the <br /> community. <br /> Benny Cecil said Orange County has a deficit of$3 million. He said Orange County has <br /> given no raises to employees in several years, does not have money to hire new employees, is <br /> unable to keep up equipment and vehicles, owes millions of dollars on buildings because of <br /> mold damage, and may have to pay back impact fees due to a lawsuit that the County lost. He <br /> asked if the County has a plan to make up revenue. He said he feels the County makes it <br /> difficult for businesses to start and develop, which will improve residents' lives. He also <br /> expressed concerns about lack of representation for Northern Orange County, and the <br /> residents there who make minimum wage. He said Orange County is going downhill fast, and <br /> the financial condition is getting worse. He said the County does not have time to look for other <br /> businesses. <br /> Janine Zanin read the following comments: <br /> Hello Commissioners, <br /> My name is Janine Zanin and I live in Efland, NC. I'm here to talk about the Buckhorn <br /> Area Plan. I learned yesterday that although the Planning Board is going to hear about the <br /> Buckhorn Area Plan tomorrow night and will be asked to "accept the study" and provide <br /> comments to this Board on February 16th, public input will not be permitted at the Planning <br /> Board meeting. Indeed, according to the proposed process in the Planning Board Agenda, <br /> public input may not even be permitted until after the BOCC has met with the City of Mebane. <br /> There's a narrative I've been hearing (it's even in the minutes from the January 6th <br /> Planning Board Meeting) that I'd like to address. It goes something like this ... people who live <br /> near Economic Development Districts need to be educated so they stop complaining when the <br /> land around them gets developed. Let me be clear, that is not what's happening here. If the <br /> Buckhorn Area Plan involved land that was already zoned for commercial development, there <br /> would be no need for a study, no need for a Buckhorn Area Plan. The issue here is that the <br /> land that is the subject of the Buckhorn Area Plan is NOT zoned for commercial development. <br /> On the contrary, its currently zoned agricultural residential, and rural residential, some of it is <br /> critically protected watershed and directly connected to the northern bank of Seven Mile Creek <br /> and its tributaries. The problem is not that we don't understand the land use map, the issue is <br /> that we HAVE studied it and we've RELIED on it in and now the rug is being pulled out from <br /> under us. <br />