Orange County NC Website
ngreemmt anau be vaua erns be enr rtes m me tiniest exent permircea by law. The enanty and <br />EmPOWElimmt agree m snbslilWC 6r anWt provision of this Agreamevl or Ete appllcallov <br />lbeceof detemilned to be invalid or mevforewble, such ocher provision es most closely <br />appmximams, in s law[W mamm such invalid, ille%al or uvenforoeoble proaisiov. If [he County <br />end EmPOWERmmt cannot agree, mcy shell apply m a. court of competent jurisdiction to <br />substitute such provision as the cowl deems r Doable end judicially valid, legal and <br />en£omeable. Such pmvision datermimd by the coup shall aummaticahy be deemed pert of this <br />Agreement afi .n'dn. <br />Egvel Opporlvnity. EmPOWERment shell tut discriminam against any <br />employee or applicant for employment because of meq mlm, religion, sex, national erigW, <br />political afliliafion or belief, age, havdicap, or familial slarus wNc vnplemeatution of this <br />Pr jest. <br />Aeatlings. Headings me for mnveWmce only avd shall tut be ued m mteryret or <br />coreshue iC pmvreroa <br />Cender Singular end Plurul. As used herein, the nutm gmdm ivelndee the <br />feminive aM maecWwc. The moculine wcludes the feminine antl neutm, awl the feminine <br />inludes [he masculine and veumr end each ineWdes a eorpomaoq partnership or other legal <br />mUty whey the conmxt so requires. The sWgWaz vumbm includes the plural and vice versa, <br />whenever the mvtcxt ev mgvvee. <br />p. Recording. The parties herein agtee thaz upon notice to the other ovd at its own <br />cwt and expmeq a parry maY record this Agreement in the Ollice of Register of lleeds for <br />Omnge County. <br />q. CompWnco with Laws. To the extent applicablq each petty hmero egreu to <br />comply wiN all laws, ordinencas and regWalions affecting Ne Property fmm and after the dace <br />hereof Witlwut limiting the gmereliry afThe famgoing, HmPOWElhnmt shall comply wiW WI <br />federal, slam and Iewl laws, regulation and ordinncs applicable m the expenditure of funds <br />provides by the Convty, to purchase and develop the 1'rupedy. <br />Publicity; Sigvage. EmPOWERmen[ agras to provide such yublicity with <br />respect m the Cowtys perdcipaliav m the development of the Properly as etc Cowry shell <br />reaaonbly requhe, my sigoage at the Property shall aclaowledge the County's mle and <br />covWbmian. <br />6. COW[CI'pArr9. 11119 Ag<eml[nt may be exeCnl%1 N Olle Or mere COWmrp2M, <br />each of which shall be deemed m origwW but ell of wWCh mgeNer shall cmatitate ov and the <br />same hutmment. <br />t. ho Thvd Party Righm. The partite hcrcm covcvmt[ end agree tbot votbivg <br />conmined in this Agreement or any act by the Cowty ur EmPOWElimmt shall be deemed err <br />mnsaned by the parties or nny third petty to create any relationship of third party bmeGciery; <br />including third parry pcincipW err agent, or m ercam my right, Heim or cause of ecdon against <br />