Orange County NC Website
E Binding E(t'ect. This Agreement shell be binding upon and shall mare w Me <br />bncfil of the parties hereto end dtev respwtlve successors and assigns. <br />g. IndemoiGntion. To the extern legally possibiq FmPOWERmmt shall <br />indemnify and hold Cowtty, its o6icws, agmis, and employees, harmless from and agaiwt any <br />and ell claims, scrims, liabilities, costs, mdvdmg attorney fees and otM1er costs of defense, <br />sing wt of nr in any way misled m my act m failure to act by FmPOWERmmt, is <br />employees, agmss, officers, and contmetms m comeetiov witlr this contract In the event my <br />such sedan or claim is brought egeinet Comty, EmPOWERmenl shell, open County's tendeq <br />defend the s¢me a[ EmPOWERment's wle cost and exprnse, promptly earisfy any judgment <br />edverec w Cowty or to County and EmPOWPRmentjointly, and reimbume Comty for any loos, <br />cost, damage, or expe~ue, including ettomey fees sufforeA or incurred by County. <br />6. Subnn[racting. EmPOWERment shall not evbcontrect work under this contract, <br />m whole or in part, witMUr County's prior wnirien approval. EmPOWERment shall require any <br />approved avbwntreeto[ to agree, as [o We portion subcontracted, m comply wiR, all applicable <br />fcdcml, state, and looel laws, tWea, ordioawas, and mguladoen at all times and w the <br />performance of We work end to comply widr all obligadms of EmPOWERmmt specSed in this <br />contract NotwiWtaMwg Cowry's approval o£a subcovna<rw, EmPOWEltment shall cemain <br />obhgated far full performmce of [his conbact and Cmmly shall iacw vo obligation m my <br />subcantrector EmPO W ERmnt shall indemrdfy, <br />defend, and hold Cowry harmless lmm all claims ofiss emtractom. <br />No domt Vmtme or Agmq. Tha Cowry and EmPOWERment each ay+ree end <br />aelmowledge Naz vowing contained M1erein m otherwise, including, wiNOUt limimrion, may act of <br />the County or EmPOWERment undo this Agmcment, shall be deemed or nnstrued ra create <br />any rel¢dor,ship ofjoin[ vmlwe, pa[Inership or agency between the parries. <br />j. ECeM of Waiver or Porbeanvre No Gilum by the County to insist spun the <br />sh'ict performmce of my [arm m condition of tM1is Agreement, or W exercise anyrigM err remedy <br />upon the breach by PmPOWERmevt of any of its obligations, agreements, or vavis <br />hereunder, aheE be a weiva of each affected term or condition m of such breach; nor shall any <br />forbearmce by the Cmnry w snk a remedy for any breech by Eml'OWEWVmt be a waiver by <br />the Comty of iss righss and remedies widr respect m that or any oNcr broach. <br />k. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be conswed w azwrdancc with and <br />govemetl by rbe laws of the State oFNonh Carohm. Avy lifigarion arising out of this <br />Agreement shall be bmugM iv cowls eirNng in NoM Carolina, with venue u Ormge Comty. <br />L SeverabWty. ffie provisions of this Aereunmt are mdepmtlevr o£mdsepamble <br />from each other, and no provision shall be atfxYed or rendered invalid or uvevforceable by the <br />fee[ Nat for my realm any other provisim may be imNid or weuforcnble w whole or w pan. <br />N my provision of tWs Agreement or the applintiov [hereof m any Person or cimumawncec <br />eM1all, m any extent, be or become invalid m mmfomeabie, the remainder of dtls Agreemevq or <br />the application of such provisim to persons or circumstances other then dense es to which it is <br />held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be aff«~ed thereby, and wch provision of this <br />