Orange County NC Website
@mPOWERmm41ve. <br />(SEAL) <br />ATTEST: <br />NORTH CAROLMA <br />ORANGE CO[1NTY <br />Prcsidmt <br />I, ,Notary Public w end fot the above named (aunty and Si <br />do hemby certify slut ov this day persomlly appeacd before me with whom I <br />personally acquawh4 who, beiua by ma duly sworn, says at he is Secremry and Wat <br />President of EmPOWLRmevS Inc., a Nosh Caroline corporation, sod that by authority duly given <br />as me act of me co[po[etioR the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Pmsidmq se" <br />with its earyomte scat and mmsmd m by irs Secretary. <br />Wimcse my heed ai notarial eenl, mis thn day of 20 <br />Notary Public <br />My commission <br />