Orange County NC Website
Ne County, EmPOW212ment or any of Neir respective officers, agents or employees by any <br />third party. <br />u. CanlFCt of In[ereae PmPOWPRmeot agrees that it presently has no fvavcial <br />interest avtl shall not ecgnim any financial ivtercsp aired of indirecS which woold conflict W <br />any mennex or degree wiN Ne pa{emaance of services rcquiml undo Nis Agreement. <br />EmPOWPMrent fmtbcr covenants that iv Ne performance of tWe Agreernent bo person having <br />inch financial interest shalt be employed w rea'ved by 6mPOWCRment haeundex. These <br />ovflict ofivtexest provisions apply w any person who is en employee, agent, consWlmt, atFCer, <br />or elected official or appointed official olErnPOV/2Rment, ox any desigmtM public agenciea or <br />aubrccipients that are remivivg fivWS under the HOIV16InvesMen[ Pmmership Program. <br />Pertormavice oI Covemmevt Fvucdovs. VotwiNStandmg anyNing in this <br />Agreement which maY be to Ne convary, nothing contained w Nis Agreement shell in any way <br />atop, limit oc impair Ne County from cxttcising or parlbrmivg any regulnCOry, policing or <br />govemmeatW Powem or fwctions vrirh respect m the Propctry ivcludine. wiWaut limimtian, <br />inspxtiov of Ne Property m Ne performance of such Ihnctions. <br />