Orange County NC Website
What is at Stake <br /> Unfortunately, a proposal for protection under the Endangered Species Act is not enough to <br /> save a species from extinction. At least 47 species have gone extinct while awaiting protection under <br /> the Act. The truth is that, until the Act's protections have been officially extended to these species by <br /> the Service, actors like the Orange County Board of County Commissioners hold the future of these <br /> species in their hands. Until the Act can shelter them from extinction, the Board of County <br /> Commissioners will have to hold the line and ensure that there are populations left to save in the Eno <br /> River by the time the federal government officially extends protections these unique animals. <br /> Buc-ees has asked Orange County to change the zoning to allow this development to go <br /> through, and the County should proceed deliberately with its decision. Orange County can pick one of <br /> two choices: it can change local law to embrace a monstrosity, or it can maintain the status quo to <br /> reject a monstrosity. There is no middle ground option in this instance. <br /> As a child of Orange County, if I may say so, it appears to me that this out-of-state company <br /> wants to bring a Texas aesthetic to a pleasant, slow-paced corner of semi-rural Orange County. But it <br /> is clear to me that the residents of Orange County—and the Carolina madtom,Neuse River waterdog, <br /> and Atlantic pigtoe—all have much more to gain from seeing these forested lands, open fields, and <br /> protected watersheds kept intact for the quality of life benefits and extinction prevention services that <br /> they provide. <br /> Please vote to deny Buc-ees' re-zoning request, and please let me know if I can provide any <br /> further information. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Perrin de Jong <br /> Staff Attorney <br /> Center for Biological Diversity <br /> PO Box 6414 <br /> Asheville,NC 28816 <br /> perringbiologicaldiversi . .org <br /> (828)252-4646 <br /> Page 6 <br />