Orange County NC Website
3. fTJCOC ds rs ~ .The Proimt eanvera mancocneraby <br />ogee Naz r1C0G shall provide admivietrative and mmegemmt support services relating b <br />the establishment of the Progam. TJCOG shall, wasatisfmtorysnamm ee dctemdned by <br />the Progam Stemng Committee, perform the tasks necessary for overall admirdsnatiov of <br />[M1e Progam. Ifie project managemrnt and administrative services (tbe "Progam Smicas') <br />to be provided by T]CGG ins bde: _ <br />(aJ cvvNiva[im and smtfsupport far mMinga, comrnwicatio~s and projmm relating m the <br />Progam; <br />(b)assimmce with developmmt ofihcAmual WOCk Plm for the Pragrmn; <br />(c) liaison wiN sorts agmice and t«brdcal comm~mm remitted for the Progmry <br />(d) mmagemmt ofmy cmtmets iamcd 6r thePragmny and ovemlght o[covtmctm <br />(e) admitixmafion orProgem fuamces, including record keeping, wllection and <br />disbms®evt of fords, and complimce with fiscal control practices required vFlocat <br />gavemments; <br />(~ asmblishmem and melnimmca ofa Pmgam web-rite; <br />(g) pursuit of sapplwrnml Imd'mg assistance for theProgam; end <br />(h) otner servic« wnsistmt witn ihepmpase of the Ragmm, «cnluertd by Ne Aojat <br />Pmmma [Ivough the Progam Steering Committee. <br />4. P - d fPerfortnavice. Theirdtlil period pftnis Agem~mtshali be frmv July t,2001 <br />through Juve 30, 2002; provided, howevm, Maz ddx Ageemmt maybe renewed upon <br />mutual agrernimt of [he Program Sneering Committee and TICOG. <br />i. Pmmam FUndine Level. The PVjectPmNem hereby ages to iviriellY ~ndtne Progamma <br />mml first-year cost o£ IMtlazs ($~~ Each Project <br />PmNms'mspmtive shore of Ne AVgram oral shall be bored ov ins total of two fmtors: (a)a <br />mifom%bax participation cbmge which shall rover 30% of Ne mmual pmgam cast, end <br />(b) a variable tuts cbazge dear mall recovec'!0°h of the progam cost, aMth~t u based ov the <br />r«pecdvejuriadiction's propodiovate snare of[ba total extima[~ populerim afihe Projmt <br />PaMera. The initiil auual Paymrnt and my subsequmtamual Program paymmtq shall <br />be paid to T1COG m the begimdngpf the fiscal yam, mid anill be based ov: <br />(a) the estirvemd cast far ail Program materials, adve%tisemmts and related services; <br />(b) the «4mat~ vumb« ofnoum for TlCOGty perform Rvgam Servic« for the fiecil <br />Yam: and <br />(c) estimated dvect costs such ~ mileage and lodging. <br />Interest emrtings shall be credi[adto and used solely for the bene5[ of[ha Progam. <br />6. Comve~anov and Pavmmt. Annual mats for T]COO's Program Smvices shall be <br />calculated erW agrtedm between TTCOG mdthe Program Stcerivg Committee. Payment <br />Eor T1C0G's Program Services snap be abudgeted expmsa of the Progmn, and shall be <br /> <br />