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Annette Moore said she would welcome BOCC participation, and encouraged the Board <br /> to share ideas and facts now, as opposed to on the back end of the process. <br /> Chair Price asked if the Board should devote part of a work session to help develop <br /> ideas and action items. She said the Board wants to engage in a meaningful way. <br /> Annette Moore said this is a policy that will set the tone for the rest of the County, and <br /> things are going to be done differently from now on. She said this plan needs to be embedded <br /> in County government, by doing whatever is necessary. She said this should be part of <br /> everyone's work plan. <br /> Chair Price said if there are ideas for how the Board can actively participate to please <br /> share them. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said she would like to see a draft of what is coming up. She <br /> said she cannot picture what GARE is about, how it works, etc. She said this is an important <br /> process, and she wants to give meaningful feedback, so there is action. She said she needs <br /> more information. She said statistics are useful, but it is important to know what underlies those <br /> statistics locally, statewide and nationally, if not world-driven. She said the everyday implicit <br /> biases need to be addressed. She said the big metrics may not capture that. She said she <br /> wants to do the work and wants to do it well. <br /> Annette Moore agreed, and said that is why GARE is drafting this tool to get this <br /> information to the Commissioners and community for further discussion, and to determine gaps <br /> and steps of action. She said it is important to determine how to use County funds to address <br /> this issue, and how do the State and the Federal Government need to be involved. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is unsure how much specificity is appropriate now, but he <br /> would like to see interdepartmental cooperation. He asked if criminal justice metrics will be <br /> included, along with possible policy changes. <br /> Annette Moore said the team has been talking about interdepartmental actions, and how <br /> everyone can work together. She said these problems cannot be solved in silos, and there <br /> must be a multidisciplinary approach is important. She said there is a capacity issue here, and <br /> building capacity is one of the problems. She said building capacity for equity will take <br /> additional resources. <br /> Commissioner McKee said it will be important to determine how committed the County is <br /> to reducing spending in some favored programs to fund this effort without raising taxes. He said <br /> this will cost some funding, over a decent amount of time. He said if this is going to be done, it <br /> needs to be done right. He said the BOCC will have to make hard decisions about decreasing <br /> spending in order to increase progress in this area. <br /> Annette Moore said it is less defunding but rather the reallocation of funding. She said <br /> the BOCC will have determine if it will allow the data to determine where funding should go. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed, and said it will mean the reduction of funding in certain <br /> areas. He said a lot people, especially low-income people, feel they are being driven out of <br /> Orange County due to the high cost of taxes and living. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the County does not have a strategic plan, and asked if it is <br /> possible to prioritize things without one. She said this is a parking lot issue. <br /> Chair Price responded to Commissioner Fowler's comment in the chat, and said the <br /> County is tracking data related to the small business loans. <br /> Chair Price said the elephant in the room is racism and implicit bias around all issues of <br /> disparity. She said if the County can get at this cause, and if the lowest in society can be raised <br /> up, then everybody is raised up. She said racism touches all areas, and is a problem that has <br /> existed for hundreds of years. She said if tackling racism is a priority, then the County can <br /> begin addressing issues across the Board. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said her comments in the chat are ideas for the GARE team to <br /> consider. <br />