Orange County NC Website
n o~lrn. and Paemml. <br />a) Contracmr shall bepaid$1Opcrton for ¢Il gmuM melenel es deteemived by <br />iubemd torm¢ge weipJttM acmes IavdLll scales. Fm shall Nclude all wets <br />incwredby CDWmoNr including, but no4limitcdm, cost ofmvblllmtiaq <br />inst¢lletion mN clad-up. ' <br />b) Cantrecmr shall submitminvoice upon completion Pfwark pmformed ander Ne <br />rams nftMs agccmmt <br />e) Paymml will be madeby COUVty within thirty days ofraeipl Dfm acewale <br />4) AmeMmmts. <br />This agmmvit may be mnmded upon inmost agreemmtbetwcen GOrNeCWr and <br />County AND upon signature of m Arvmdment m the Agrmmmt by Ne cowry. <br />5) Termiva[iov. <br />This agreemm[ may be mmtivalcd by either party upm wril[m notiGcetion no <br />Isss Nan 30 days prior YO ascbedWed gnvdhig event. <br />fi) ~Fmvi~im1°' <br />a) Workela Compensation'. Cwmage to apply frn all employees for amNmry limits <br />wmplimce xiN Ne applicable start and fedmal laws. Thepolicymust include <br />employm's tiabibry wiNalimit oF$1Og000 for each accidcm, $IOO,OOd bodily <br />i jury by disease each anployee and $500,000 bodily injury by disease policy <br />limit. <br />b) Comprohmnive Gmmal Liability: Shall hove minimmnlimils DC$I;DDD,ODO pm <br />wmbivad sNglc limit far bodily wjury liability and pmperty damage <br />Lability. This shall include Premises and/or operations, independent cmWactors, <br />pmduc[s and /Or wmpleted operations, brought Gom property damage and <br />explosion, collapse ~ mdergrdwd damage coverage, sudden and attitlmtal <br />pollution lasses, and a contractual IiabililY mdorsavm[ <br />c) Rosiness Aub PDLcy: Shall have mimmmalimits of 51,000,000 per Pecm+ence <br />mmbin~ single limit Nrbadlly mjnry liabihry and property damage IiabiLTy. <br />This shell include: owned velddea hued and von-owner vehicles and employtt <br />nonownership. <br />d) TheCounty ofOrange shall be vam~asmadditioual Nsuredmwvemges for <br />Comprehensive General Liability and Aummvbile Liability. CertiLcalea of <br />Inewanwon m Accord 25 (8/84J or aimJaz form meebvg Ne requrzed msormoe <br />provisions slmllbe f ended m Ne County noon m Ne wmmc¢ecmcut of Wa <br />Ag[eemenl or any evbsequmt rmcwals ee herein provided. <br />c) Qurcnt, valid msurmce policies meeting the above requirements shall be <br />mainWinwl fur the duration of NC project. Removal ecr[iLcales shalt be smttD <br />