Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:6D53F1FA-CAAF-4BF0-A183-95EF4836E57C <br /> ZI <br /> AGIVIC�f 1111FC1IRIAiIA��NI <br /> Please provide the following information about your agency: <br /> 1. Date of Incorporation(Month/Year): 10/1998 <br /> 2. Agency's Purpose/Mission (no more than a few sentences): Big Brothers Big Sisters of the <br /> Triangle's mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite <br /> the power and promise of youth. Our vision is that all youth achieve their full potential. We <br /> partner with parents and guardians, volunteers, and community members to give these <br /> youth higher aspirations,greater confidence, better relationships and educational success, <br /> and tools to avoid risky behaviors. <br /> 3. Please provide a brief description of your organization's past achievements in carrying out similar <br /> projects and evidence of successful record of meeting proposed budgets and timetables (no more than <br /> 100 words). For over 100 years, our national organization has remained true to its <br /> founders' vision of bringing caring role models into the lives of children. We are the <br /> oldest and most respected mentoring agency in the country. As a local affiliate for the <br /> past 20 years, BBBST has consistently met goals—whether it be programmatic, <br /> strategic, stewardship, and/or marketing - and stayed on schedule while doing so. We <br /> work hard to fundraise in various ways and to diversify our funding each year. This has <br /> enabled us to stay on budget and put over 75% of our income into programming. <br /> 4. Living Wage: Does this agency pay permanent employees a minimum living wage?(Yes/No) Y <br /> If yes,is this agency an Orange County Living Wage Certified Employer? NO <br /> If no,please briefly explain. <br /> Currently working with an HR consulting project to do a compensation review to adjust <br /> and evaluate our salaries through market data review and analysis. Once completed <br /> we will apply to become an Orange county Living Wage Certified Employer. <br /> Schedule of Positions: #of FTE—Full-Time Paid Positons: 13 #of FTE—Part-Time Paid Positions:2 <br /> � � ;API.eases, r�ay�,�'at��e�c6pr`ogtar�tt,�a���3'+��,, r��urldf�ap�� �vr��h�r�o�e��ragtorn� <br /> S. Program Name: Community and Site-Based Mentoring <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title:Andie Thomas-Young, VP of Proqrams <br /> Telephone Number: (919) 850-9772 E-Mail:ayoung(a7bbbstri.orq <br /> 6. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how it aligns with the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Results Framework, and Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, and the target <br /> population to benefit from the program. (100 words or less) <br />