Orange County NC Website
- DocuSign Envelope ID:8173BBCF-1050-4110-B8C4-4622BA864EOB <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION <br /> *Please submit far each grogram if applying for fund ngiar nTcre than ane prc gram. <br /> 5. Program Name: Food for Families <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title: Debbie Horwitz, Founder/Director <br /> Telephone Number: (919) 971-1749 E-Mail: debbie(d) <br /> 6. Please briefly describe the proposed program, including an explanation of how it aligns with the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro's Results Framework, and Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, and the target <br /> population to benefit from the program. (100 words or less) <br /> PORCH's Food for Families is a unique program that increases livelihood security for over <br /> 440 families (with 1129 children), identified by school social workers as struggling to afford <br /> sufficient food. FFF provides fresh foods to low-income families with children each month <br /> (including many refugees), with a quantity and variety of highly nutritious fresh food that is <br /> not provided by any other local pantries or hunger relief organizations. FFF currently <br /> provides fresh food (e.g., potatoes, green beans, apples, broccoli, zucchini, sweet potatoes, <br /> onions, peppers, chicken, eggs, milk, and more) each month, lasting an average of 10 days. <br /> 7.Target Population: Please complete the table below with numbers(not percentages) of individuals served <br /> and projected to be served. <br /> Program Target Population Demographics <br /> Projected Actual Projected Projected <br /> 2018-19 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 <br /> Men 841 841 863 896 <br /> Women 981 981 1047 1095 <br /> Non binary/Genderqueer <br /> Self-Describe <br /> Total 1822 1822 1910 1991 <br /> Race and Etlinis� <br /> Black or African-American 357 357 336 360 <br /> American Indian or Alaska Native <br /> Asian 570 570 555 570 <br /> White 128 128 158 164 <br /> Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander <br /> Two or more races <br /> Some other race 767 767 861 897 <br /> Total 1822 1822 1910 1991 <br /> PORCH Food for Families P a g e 6 0 f 1 0 <br />