Agenda - 03-02-2021; 4-c - Presentation on Orange County Bail Reform Initiatives
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 03-02-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 03-02-2021; 4-c - Presentation on Orange County Bail Reform Initiatives
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10 <br /> Notes: <br /> 1.There must be more than one prior FTA for this factor to apply. FTAs within the last two years are most relevant,as are CFAs for FTAs in cases <br /> other than minor traffic. Impaired driving is not a minor traffic case.Notwithstanding the word"recent"in this sidebar factor,magistrates may <br /> deviate from recommendations based on an older FTA history,for example,when a person has an older FTA history but was only recently released <br /> from incarceration for that offense. <br /> 2.The pattern of conduct must relate to the present offense. For example:the current charge involves drug possession and the Defendant has <br /> three priors within the last five years for misdemeanor drug or drug paraphernalia possession. <br /> 3.An offense involves domestic violence when the relationship between the parties is one of the following: <br /> • Current or former spouses <br /> • Currently or formerly lived together as if married <br /> • Currently or formerly in a dating relationship <br /> • Have a child in common <br /> • Parent(or one in parental role)/child <br /> • Grandparent/grandchild <br /> • Current or former members of the same household <br /> Note:this list is drawn from G.S. 15A-534.1,the 48-hour domestic violence hold statute. <br /> 4. For example,robbery,assault,assault by pointing a gun,and assault by strangulation. <br /> 5.This factor applies when the offense involved harm to a person(e.g.,assaultive conduct). It does not apply to offenses in which property is taken <br /> or harmed(e.g.,larceny,embezzlement,obtaining property by false pretenses,etc.). <br /> 6. For a list of offenses requiring sex offender registration,see JAMIE MARKHAM AND SHEA DENNING,NORTH CAROLINA SENTENCING HANDBOOK 2018(UNC <br /> School of Government,2018). <br /> 7.See G.S.14-208.11(a);JESSICA SMITH,NORTH CAROLINA CRIMES:A GUIDEBOOK ON THE ELEMENTS OF CRIME 268(7th Ed.2012)(discussing this offense). <br /> 8.G.S.90-95(h);SMITH,NORTH CAROLINA CRIMES,supra note 8,at 721-739(discussing trafficking offenses). <br /> 9. For example,sale and delivery of a controlled substance and possession with intent to manufacture,sell,or deliver. <br /> 10. For defendants in impaired driving cases,follow impaired driving procedures.In all other cases if a secured bond is imposed only because of <br /> this factor and the defendant remains detained,conditions must be revised without consideration of this factor when the defendant's impairment <br /> no longer presents a danger of physical injury to himself or herself or others or of damage to property,but in any event,no later than 24 hours <br /> after secured bond was set. <br /> 11.As a general rule,for this factor to apply the defendant must have actively used the firearm or deadly weapon during the charged offense,for <br /> example,pointing a gun during a robbery.Carrying concealed is an exception to this general rule.Although a single carrying concealed violation <br /> does not satisfy this factor,multiple such violations may satisfy it. <br /> 12.G.S. 15A-534(b).When making this inquiry,judicial officials should consider whether pretrial restrictions(e.g.,restrictions on travel, <br /> associations,conduct or place of abode,as well as abstention from alcohol consumption,as verified by the use of an approved continuous alcohol <br /> monitoring system),which can be imposed with a written promise,custody release or unsecured bond,can sufficiently mitigate pretrial risk.See <br /> G.S. 15A-534(a). <br /> 13. If a secured appearance bond is imposed:(1)the judicial official must consider—among other relevant factors—the defendant's ability to pay; <br /> and(2)the amount of the secured appearance bond should not exceed the amounts listed the tables shown below;if a secured bond is set in <br /> excess of these recommended maximums,reasons for doing so must be documented.Ability to pay should be assessed as to the total bond <br /> amount,not 10%that would be paid for a commercial bail bond. <br /> If a secured bond is used to detain("detention bond"),a detention bond hearing that affords the defendant appropriate procedural <br /> protections must be held before a judge on motion by the defense. <br /> 7 <br />
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