Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:2B362E51-9A19-4059-AA75-008A33D65AFD <br /> additional performance simple nutritious meal of meeting c) 32 <br /> Indicators that you their choice for their c) N/A 50%will be able <br /> would like to report to classmates with limited to co-lead a <br /> the Towns. Please support after 12 classes. cooking class <br /> insert additional rows <br /> as needed,listing one <br /> per row). b) Triangle Self-Advocacy <br /> Network members will co- <br /> lead a meeting with self <br /> advocate advisor on a topic <br /> of interest a minimum of 1 <br /> time each year <br /> c) Cooking.&Nutrition Class <br /> students will help to co- <br /> lead a cooking class a <br /> minimum of 1 time each <br /> year <br /> Performance %and#ofprogram participants a) 29 a) 35 a) 37 <br /> who demonstrate new, improved, or b) 20 80%attendance 90%attendance <br /> Indicators restored social skills weekly weekly <br /> (Please choose at least <br /> one performance a) Petals with a Purpose b) 30 b) 32 <br /> Indicator to report on participants will attend and 75%attendance 75%attendance <br /> front the Results interact with group <br /> Framework,and add <br /> additional performance members while engaging a) 32 <br /> indicators that you in floral projects. 75%of members . <br /> would like to report to will participate in <br /> the Towns. Please b) Triangle Self-Advocacy TSAN <br /> insert additional rows Network members will fundraisers <br /> as needed,listing one participate in The Arc's <br /> per row). Friday Fun Day activities <br /> (various community <br /> activities and outings)a <br /> minimum of one time a <br /> month. <br /> c) Triangle Self-Advocacy <br /> Network members will <br /> coordinate one fundraising <br /> activity <br /> Performance %and#ofprogram participants a) 20 b) 32 <br /> who demonstrate a basic b) 20 80%of students <br /> Indicators understanding of money will demonstrate <br /> (Please choose at least management their new skills at <br /> one performance a local market <br /> indicator to report on a) Cooking&Nutrition Class shopping trip <br /> from the Results students will learn about <br /> Framework,and add <br /> additional performance the cost of ingredients and c) 30 <br /> indicators that you groceries used to prepare 50%of members <br /> would like to report to their meals and discuss this will participate in <br /> the Towns. Please as part of class curriculum. TSAN <br /> insert additional rows fundraisers <br /> as needed,listing one b) Triangle Self-Advocacy <br /> Per row). Network members will <br /> include money <br /> management skills in their <br /> curriculum and discuss <br /> both personal finances and <br /> fundraising activities. <br /> faro€.ram information f' a €: f, 1 _r. o f 2 1 <br />