Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:2B362E51-9A19-4059-AA75-CO8A33D65AFD <br /> Outside of Orange County 299 216 252 235 <br /> Total 559 345 417 385 <br /> Income <br /> Low-income(80%of the Area Median Income and Below) Please see 337 <br /> income table in the attachments <br /> Total N/A N/A 337 337 <br /> 8. Cost Per Individual <br /> This cost per individual must reflect the total program budget divided by the total number of program <br /> individuals in this application. <br /> Actual 2018.19 Projected 2019.20 Projected 2020-21 <br /> Total Cost of Program $81,905 $68,400 $68,330 <br /> Total #of Individuals 69 97 101 <br /> Cost Per Individual $1,187.02/year $705.15/year $676.53/year <br /> 9. Performance Indicators <br /> For Chapel Hill and Carrboro applicants: <br /> Please complete the following chart with information about the Strategic Objective, Intermediate Result, and <br /> the Agency Performance Indicator for each program for which you are applying for funding. Please see the <br /> Results Framework in the Attachments section as a reference. <br /> Program Name: Orange County Community Based Programs & Services <br /> Strategic ❑ Children improve their educational outcomes <br /> Objective <br /> (please choose onefrom ❑ Residents Increase their livelihood security <br /> the Results Framework) <br /> ❑x Residents improve their health outcomes <br /> Intermediate 3.2-Residents demonstrate new healthy lifestyle behaviors. <br /> Result <br /> (please choose one from <br /> the Results Framework) <br /> RESULTS Actual Projected Projected <br /> 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 <br /> Performance %and #ofprogram participants a) 20 a) 32 a) 32 <br /> who demonstrate new physical skills b) 20 75%will be able 85%will be able <br /> Indicators that support their independence c) N/A to prepare a meal to prepare a meal <br /> (Please choose at least <br /> one performance a) Cooking&Nutrition Class b) 30 b) N/A <br /> indicator to report on students will demonstrate 75%will be able <br /> from the Results their skills by preparing a to co-lead a <br /> Framework,and add <br /> Prog)an'I Infnrn at u)i P c f. f loot <br />