Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 4 26 <br />JOINT ORANGE GROVE ROAD WORK GROUP RECOMENDATIONS <br />The local jurisdictions should pursue funding to advance the following improvements <br />in the Orange Grove Road corridor. <br />1.1 Pursue funding to widen the bridge on Orange Grove Road over Interstate 40 <br />to include bicycle and pedestrian facilities. North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation estimates the cost to add bicycle and pedestrian facilities to the <br />bridge is approximately $750,000. <br />1.2 Pursue funding and work with NCDOT to install a crosswalk with a flashing <br />light to warn vehicles of the pedestrian crossing at the bus driveway entrance <br />at Cedar Ridge High School. <br />1.3 Pursue funding and work with NCDOT to investigate installing a traffic light at <br />the intersection of Oakdale Drive and Orange Grove Road, and to provide right <br />.turn lanes on both Oakdale Drive and Orange Grove Road to assist traffic flow <br />through the intersection. <br />2. Provide pedestrian facilities along Orange Grove Road. <br />2.1 Research actual right-of-way along Orange Grove Road throughout the <br />corridor study area through land records and pursue feasibility of obtaining <br />the recommended 80' right-of-way through dedication or acquiring <br />easements. <br />2.2 Investigate installing sidewalks along the north side of Orange Grove Road in <br />the corridor study area including determining the feasibility of construction <br />with respect to changes in elevation along the road and with respect to cost. <br />2.3 After technical report has been received by both the Hillsborough Town <br />Board and the Orange County Board of Commissioners, if the data indicates <br />that construction of a sidewalk on the north side of Orange Grove Road is not <br />financially feasible, pursue widening Orange Grove Road to 12' lanes with, at <br />a minimum, 4' paved shoulders and preferably with 6' or 8' paved shoulders <br />to allow for a shared bicycle/pedestrian facility. <br />2.4 Coordinate with the School Board to pursue installation of sidewalks along <br />Orange Grove Road adjacent to the school property, along New Grady <br />Brown School Road and from the proposed crosswalk on New Grady Brown <br />School Road to the Grady Brown School and to Cedar Ridge High School. <br />3. Implement recommendations into local plans and regulations. <br />3.1 Include recommendations in this study in the development of Multi-modal <br />Transportation Plans for Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough. <br />3.2 Adopt recommended cross section for Orange Grove Road into Orange <br />County and Town of Hillsborough zoning ordinances and subdivision <br />regulations. <br />