Agenda - 10-21-2003-5b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-21-2003
Agenda - 10-21-2003-5b
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8/29/2008 2:33:53 PM
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8/29/2008 10:34:42 AM
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Minutes - 20031021
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2003
RES-2003-069 MTIP Resolutions Endorsing Orange County Transportation Priority List for 2006-2012 TIP
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2003
RES-2003-070 Division 7 Resolutions Endorsing Orange County Transportation Priority List for 2006-2012 TIP
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2003
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ATTACHMENT 4 25 <br />JOINT ORANGE GROVE ROAD WORK GROUP RECOMENDATIONS <br />PHASE II <br />Orange Grove Road Case Study (Excerpts) <br />III. Road Connectivity <br />Access management in the Orange Grove Road corridor includes recommendations for <br />new roadway connections from Orange Grove Road to other major roads in the area as <br />new development takes place. Arrows outlined in white on Map 1. Orange Grove Parcels <br />show potential access points for construction of new roads in the corridor to help manage <br />congestion by limiting the points of access to the corridor. The arrows also indicate where <br />extensions of existing subdivision roads can be used to connect with proposed access <br />points and provide a road network within the area between Churton Street, Orange Grove <br />Road, Interstate 85 and Oakdale Drive. The proposed access points can be used as a <br />guide for the design of future development proposals. <br />This plan recommends that the Town pursue the realignment of Eno Mountain Road to <br />align with the intersection of Mayo Street at Orange Grove Road to resolve traffic conflicts <br />caused by the close proximity of the intersections of two urban major thoroughfares with <br />another urban major thoroughfare. That intersection would potentially warrant a traffic <br />light. <br />The plan also recommends the extension of Orange Grove Road from Churton Street to <br />US 70 Business. That connection would provide an alternative access to the US 70 <br />Business/NC 86 corridor and alleviate congestion on Churton Street. The connection <br />would also provide a more direct route to Eno Mountain and western Hillsborough from the <br />US 70 Business corridor. <br />VII. Recommendations <br />The Joint Orange Grove Road Transportation Group recommends the following actions to <br />alleviate unsafe conditions and to manage potential congestion from future development in <br />the Orange Grove Road corridor. The recommendations address five basic issues: 1. <br />obtaining funding for improvements to enhance safety for all modes of traffic; 2. providing <br />pedestrian facilities (sidewalks) in the corridor; 3. implementation of recommendations into <br />local plans and regulations; 4. recommendations for future studies; and 5. distribute the <br />report to community groups for comments. <br />1. Pursue funding to implement recommendations in this study. <br />The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Spot Safety funds and Small Urban <br />Funds are potential funding sources for roadway improvements. Small Urban Funds <br />may be used for projects within 1-mile outside city limits. Both Small Urban and Spot <br />Safety funding sources are subject to the discretion of the Division's Board of <br />Transportation (BOT) member, and are generally requested for projects in the <br />$50,000 to $200,000 range. The local jurisdiction(s) must request those funds from <br />the BOT member. Transportation Improvement Program, in general, is used to fund <br />projects that cost $300,000 or more. There are also some contingency funds that may <br />be requested through the area's representatives to the State legislature. <br />
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