Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 2 Q R A F T <br />12 <br />4. Old NC 86 (SR 1009) Bicycle Lanes: Construct bicycle lanes (4-foot paved <br />shoulders) from Carrboro (Eubanks Road) to Hillsborough (I-40). This <br />project, from the Carrboro Transition area (Hickory Forest Road) to Lafayette <br />Drive, is priority 6 of the primary bicycle routes listed in the Orange County <br />Bicycle Transportation Plan, and would extend bicycle accommodations <br />requested in TIP Project R-2825 to Carrboro, where its Transportation <br />Advisory Committee has also established bicycle routes on Old NC 86 as a <br />transportation priority connection between proposed bicycle facilities along <br />Old Fayetteville Road, Homestead Road and Eubanks Raad. <br />The feasibility study for TIP Project R-2825, improvements to South Churton <br />Street, recommends afour-lane divided section for Old NC 86 (S. Churton <br />St.) from I-40 to Lafayette Drive. That study also anticipates accommodations <br />for bicycles (wide outside lanes) from I-40 to I-85. This project would connect <br />bicycle facilities proposed in the South Churton Street project to Carrboro. <br />Carrboro's Transportation Advisory Committee has recommended bicycle <br />lanes along Old NC 86 in two separate requests for Carrboro's Priority List for <br />the 2006-2012 TI P: <br />• from Old Fayetteville Road to Homestead Road; and <br />• from Homestead Road to Eubanks Road. <br />5. R-2825 Improvements to South Churton Street: Develop congestion <br />management, limited access, aesthetic and capacity improvements between <br />US 70 Business and Interstate 40. The portion between Interstates 40 and <br />85 will conform to the design criteria of the Economic Development District <br />Design Manual (4-lane divided section with bike and pedestrian <br />improvements). The feasibility study completed in February 2002 <br />recommends a 4-lane divided, with 16-foot median, curb and gutter cross <br />section for the entire corridor from I-40 to Eno River. Orange County stresses <br />the need to study improvements within the current right-of-way for the <br />segment north of Interstate 85. Improved capacity through widening is not <br />the County's first choice because of significant constraints between Interstate <br />85 and US 70 Business and the proximity of the historic district north of the <br />project limits. Orange County requests that, where conditions do not prevent <br />the addition of frontage roads, the feasibility study include the addition of <br />frontage roads with limited access from the corridor. <br />6. US 70 Bypass Widening: Widen, from the Orange/Durham County Line to <br />the US 70 - I-85 Connector east of Efland, US 70 Bypass to a four-lane <br />divided section with bike and pedestrian improvements. This project should <br />be phased to address traffic counts and existing congestion. Orange County <br />requests that this project be identified as a need and included in the 2006- <br />2012 STI P. <br />