Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: D90F57F1-8076-4358-9941-F62552053F84 <br /> AGENCY INFORMATION <br /> Please provide the following information about your agency: <br /> 1. Date of Incorporation (Month/Year): 04/1988 <br /> 2. Agency's Purpose/Mission (no more than a few sentences): <br /> The mission of KidSCope is to provide comprehensive early childhood developmental/mental <br /> health support to young children, their families, and care providers. Through the use of research <br /> and specialized evidence-based services, KidSCope aims to give children a healthy start in the <br /> early years, when relationships and experiences influence future life success the most. <br /> 3. Please provide a brief description of your organization's past achievements in carrying out <br /> similar projects and evidence of successful record of meeting proposed budgets and <br /> timetables (no more than 100 words). <br /> KidSCope recognizes the importance of fiscal stewardship and the need to meet funders' <br /> success metrics. Throughout the past ten fiscal years, KidSCope has received funding for <br /> and provided crucial outreach/mental health therapy services to an average of 90 children <br /> and their families throughout Orange County annually. KidSCope therapists facilitated <br /> caregivers' learning about trauma's effects on children and provided effective strategies for <br /> addressing them. KidSCope has been successful in consistently meeting proposed budgets <br /> and timelines for multiple funding sources. By assuring that KidSCope services for families <br /> would continue and thrive using a variety of innovative modalities, supports for families have <br /> endured. <br /> 4. Living Wage: Does this agency pay permanent employees a minimum living wage? (Yes/ <br /> No) N o <br /> If yes,is this agency an Orange County Liviniz Wale Certified Employer? No <br /> If no,please briefly explain. <br /> Paying our employees a "living wage" is a goal for the KidSCope program that we are close <br /> to achieving. KidSCope is, however, a program of the Chapel Hill Training Outreach Project, <br /> Inc., a non-profit with many employees. Although the goal of paying a minimum living wage is <br /> an admirable one, KidSCope is not involved in salary decisions for the entire agency. <br /> Schedule of Positions: # of FTE — Full-Time Paid Positons: _28_ # of FTE — Part- <br /> Time Paid Positions: 12 <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION <br /> *Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br /> Sa. Program Name: KidSCope Outreach: Early Childhood Mental Health Therapy <br /> Program Primary Contact and Title: Lara Kehle, Director <br />