Minutes 01-05-2021 Virtual Public Hearing (continued to 01-12-2021)
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 01-05-2021 Virtual Public Hearing (continued to 01-12-2021)
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2/17/2021 9:41:17 AM
Creation date
2/17/2021 9:39:31 AM
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Special Meeting
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11 <br /> department will receive revenue from the fire tax, as it does from all other businesses. He said <br /> the traffic issues that will allegedly interfere with response times are also untrue. He said the <br /> fire department is modern and can respond effectively. He said he cares deeply about this <br /> community, and is disappointed that people are questioning his integrity. He said the fire <br /> department has served its community well, and will continue to do so. He said he supports the <br /> project, as it will bring development near the highway, allowing the rural areas to remain rural. <br /> Hannah Adelman said if the request to rezone this site is approved, the citizens in Efland <br /> will have no further voice in how the town of Efland develops, and neither will the BOCC. She <br /> said Buc-ee's is not the right development for Orange County, and it will harm residents. She <br /> said the potential commuter headache that Buc-ee's will cause will slow down residential <br /> development. She urged the County to pursue sustainable development. <br /> Rob Golan read the following comments: <br /> Good Evening Commissioners. My name is Rob Golan and I'm a long-time Efland <br /> resident who is opposed to Buc-ee's, but in favor of thoughtful growth that will benefit everyone. <br /> For the last couple of months, we have all received a steady stream of information warning of <br /> the negative impacts a Buc-ee's travel center could have on our community and beyond. Of <br /> course, it's all about money in the end. Is Efland being seen by government as a convenient, <br /> inconsequential, and compliant cash cow for all of Orange County? <br /> When my property tax notice came in yesterday, I thought about how much money my <br /> wife and I have put into the county till over the last 25 years. Though we're just middle class <br /> folk, the total amount we have paid in taxes is considerable when added up. All Orange County <br /> households that pay their property taxes deserve a big fat "thank you" for their steadfast support <br /> of local government and its programs. But, those of us in Efland, despite our support of the <br /> county, might instead be gifted an obscene mega gas station that will do nothing to lower <br /> existing tax bills while possibly lowering our property values. We have literally invested in <br /> Orange County for decades and, as concerned citizens, we request that you really listen to us, <br /> your constituents, in turn. It has been argued that Buc-ee's will solve unemployment in Efland. <br /> After all, $15/hr. jobs with benefits are a mighty tempting carrot for the unemployed regardless <br /> of work conditions. I struggled with under-employment years ago, living in fear and under <br /> constant stress. I know life on the edge only too well. People without work want work. Our <br /> neighbors in need deserve a future without built-in boundaries. Let us seek responsible <br /> development that will bring in jobs that won't close the door on real advancement. The <br /> unemployment rate in our country is below the state average and a better future for Orange <br /> County is certainly possible without Buc-ee's in our midst. <br /> There has been a lot of talk about Orange County's resources lately and, <br /> commissioners, I would suggest you consider one asset that remains woefully un-tapped: the <br /> people of greater Efland. I have been blown away by the talent, knowledge, compassion, and <br /> energy of the folks fighting Buc-ee's and its self-described "invasion" of our state. Here in <br /> Efland, there is an incredible pool of potential board members, policy-makers, and, indeed, <br /> future county commissioners. These people are passionate about the well being of Efland in <br /> particular and our state as a whole. Orange County's governing bodies and advisory boards <br /> would do well to collaborate with these remarkable citizens who have demonstrated energetic <br /> and informed leadership during the present crisis. Please vote a resounding "NO" to Buc-ee's, <br /> work with the people, and help bring us all a better future. <br /> Kevin Brown said he has lived in Orange County for 27 years, and is lead IV pharmacist <br /> at Duke Regional hospital. He said Orange County is a forward thinking county, and petroleum <br /> based fuels are not part of the future. He said building a huge gas station near a protected <br /> watershed is a remarkably bad idea. He said the Buc-ee's promise to improve the highway exit <br /> is frankly rubbish. He said there will be a great increase in traffic at the highway interchanges <br />
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