Orange County NC Website
STATUS OF PRIORITY LIST SUBMITTED FOR 2pp2-2003 TIP <br />a) Erosion GInMg 0.Aes -Orange Couny requaais Uat pamraneM <br />BfO310p Wptlp med511R9 b00Cetled IO Ills plOlaet. <br />b) Pedestrian antl Bicvc F I'f -Orange Couny requests that its stag <br />be ellrnmtl ro paH'rdpate in Ua tlekRCinddon of where entl what type of <br />fxilidas ere ro be IrmAWed in Uis projed. Among me feaWres requeatetl <br />for Inclusion are sidewelka entl bike ones (see Ue Reobnel Bidck P an <br />for O Ora q Cc ) antl etlequate 9uaNrails on <br />Overpasses. <br />c) YJ'Idff C G U tl f85 - Ornnge Couny rcquaeta Us[ Its stag to <br />allowed ro parilcipate tluring this wrt d Ue pHnning stage and that Uls <br />issue be Drought ro the atlemm~ of Ue NCDOT Staff eldogist. <br />Constructlrg Uis wiMlife corridor is ono of tM rewmmentlatbns <br />presented in Ue "The Navt Hope Condor Opan Spam Msater Plan: <br />Pmpoeek for Unking Duke Forest antl Fm River State Paris" <br />tl) I Pleasan G wtl Mf H an Ch <br />Road tSR 17131- NCDOT ONiaion T TmRrc haw rewmmentletl that Uis <br />IMersedJgn m intludetl m a part M I-905 bemuse of ifs p~mdmiry tP Ua <br />IAS!US ]0 inteManga. Ara erltlre IMemactim needs U be reellgnetl so <br />that Pkasdnt Oreen Road wn intersed US ]0 ate 804egree angle. <br />e). U~ ]0 from NC 751 ro UnNe 'N 3Utio R (< 171) - Due U Ue <br />needs of the PkasaM Oreen Roed~U3 TO IMemadion, Orelpe Couny <br />requea'k Uet US ]0, hen NC ]51 ro Unlvendy 3ladon Road, ba <br />upgraded U provitle far a suilebk aansaion M1onNO I-B5. M example IN <br />the reetl far Uk projed is gre intersecdon of US ]0 vnYh Old No.10 (SR <br />1715) rrfibM1 ¢ amen3Y oPeretln9 et level of eerviw •F. <br />Q ldttl Ch h R tl ISR 17131- Preliminary phns 6y the Planning 8 <br />Environmemel Branch, OMSbn of Highways of NCDOT Intllwte Uat Uis <br />mad may be relocaletl as part of IS05. OrengeCwny requests that this <br />road be desigrratl wkh 1T wkla travel ones aM 4' wbe blcyrJe lanes for a <br />Utel pevetl wltlN Of 3Y. <br />g) Oltl NC t0 rSR 1TID1 - premndry pler9 by Me Planning 8 <br />Environmental erench, DMSIOn of Highways d NCDOT irdiwle that tNs <br />roatl may also be relocated as part d IBS. Oange Couny requests <br />that Uie road be d~igwtl wgh 12' witle Freud lanes antl 4' wide bicyda <br />hnaz rora total pevetl witlU of g2', <br />h) Perk eM Rda Fadlltlsa - Oronga County requests Ue[ ga stall be <br />allowetl ro pafddwte in the de@nnination of where aM what type of <br />fadlNes are to be indWetl'rn Uis proJed. <br />STATUS: TM1is pmJectffills(etl aeon UNFUNDED PROJECT in Ue 2002-2W8 TIP. <br />2) URH NO HWEST LOO mukr-I ne mW I- <br />85 in Orenoe County ro I-85 In Durham County -Orange Couny is strongly opposetl <br />to having this taciliry within Orange Couny antl 's also very conmmetl about Ue <br />