Agenda - 02-16-2021; 8-f - Lease of Land for the High Rock Waste and Recycling Center
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Agenda - 02-16-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 02-16-2021; 8-f - Lease of Land for the High Rock Waste and Recycling Center
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2/11/2021 8:48:32 AM
Creation date
2/11/2021 8:25:05 AM
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Agenda for February 16, 2021 Board Meeting
\BOCC Archives\Agendas\Agendas\2021\Agenda - 02-16-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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6 <br /> of the premises. The intended use of the premises by the County will continue to be a Solid <br /> Waste Convenience Center. The County can only use the premises for the stated intended use <br /> unless the Owner and County agree otherwise in a written statement agreed upon and signed by <br /> all parties. The County shall continue to maintain a buffer strip,within the leased premises, <br /> around the Solid Waste Convenience Center of at least (40 feet) in width through the use of <br /> fencing and natural vegetation. This buffer shall be fashioned in a manner to permit entrance to <br /> the Solid Waste Convenience Center constructed on the premises from High Rock Road to the <br /> Solid Waste Convenience Center. <br /> b. All improvements to and maintenance of the leased premises, as well as <br /> any needed remediation and decontamination of the Premises caused by the lease of the premises <br /> by the County, shall be solely at the County's expense. Any improvements constructed or <br /> provided at the leased premises shall be, upon termination or expiration of the lease, the <br /> Premises of the Owner, unless the same can be removed by the County without damage to the <br /> leased premises. Provided, however, at Owner's request at the termination of the lease, the <br /> County shall remove all such improvements, unless the Owner and the County agree otherwise, <br /> in writing. At the termination of the lease, the County shall remove any trash, waste and soils <br /> contaminated by the County's use of the premises and take all proper and necessary remediation <br /> measures needed resulting from any water or soil contamination that occurred from the County's <br /> use of the leased premises. <br /> C. During the term of the lease the County shall be responsible for <br /> maintaining the leased premises in a neat, clean and orderly condition at all times and shall <br /> comply with the applicable Rules and Regulations set forth by the North Carolina Department of <br /> Environmental Quality relative to the operation and management of a Solid Waste Center, <br /> including North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Chapter 13 Solid Waste Management <br /> and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 2L Groundwater Classification <br /> and Standards. Roadways, parking areas, and other public access ways shall be maintained by <br /> the County. Fences and natural vegetation buffers installed on the leased premises by the County <br /> shall also be maintained by the County. Any additional ad valorem taxes resulting from any <br /> permanent improvements to the leased premises shall be responsibility of the County. <br /> 6. Taxes. Owner agrees to pay all taxes and assessments during the term of the lease, <br /> including but not limited to municipal, county and state taxes assessed against the leased <br /> premises which are incident to the ownership of the leased premises. <br /> 7. Representations and Warranties of Owner. Owner represents and warrants to the <br /> County(each of which representations and warranties shall be true as of the date Owner executes <br /> this Lease) as follows: <br /> a. The Owner has full right,power and authority to enter into this Lease Agreement <br /> and to consummate the lease contemplated herein. No person or entity has been <br /> granted any license, lease or other right relating to the use or possession of the <br />
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