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3 <br />Increase the number of County employees treinetl annually in the multi-hazartl plan from 50 <br />[0200. This ensures that at least three employees per tlepartmen[are trained to assist in <br />the Emergency Operations Center tluring hazaMOUS situations. <br />Increase the number of multi-agency training sessions annually from one tc six. <br />Performance Measures <br />Measure 99100 <br />Actual OOI01 <br />Estimates 01/02 <br />Projection 0903 <br />Projection <br />Department planning lper <br />dept) meetings 1 1 4 4 <br />Plans mmpletetl' 2 2 20 20 <br />Multi-agenry veining 1 1 6 8 <br />County employees trainetl 50 50 200 200 <br />Exercises wnduded•• 1 1 4 4 <br />• These represent depadmantal Dans that are needed to suppod the task assignments of <br />the tlepadmems In Ne muW-hazard plan. <br />"These ere external exercises w drills related to mass casualty. <br />Personnel has reviewed the duties antl responsibilifies of [he p0shlon antl recommends the <br />position be classified at Salary Grade 69 in the Orange County Classificaton antl Pay Plan. <br />Salary Gretle 69 has a hiring range of $33.8]9 to $41,1]8. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT; Tha estimated annual posil'gn wst for salary and benefhs is about <br />$46,000. In addition there are one time siad up mate of about $8,]00 for computer antl other <br />offce equipment neetls antl annual operations costs of about $5,200. To tlete, EMS has <br />available funds from a State Domestic Terrorism Grant of $40,000 and from an annual match of <br />funds fmmthe FederelEmergenq Management Agency (FEN1A). These funtls will totally <br />offset the costs of the position for this fiscal year (2001-02) and no County funds are required. <br />Pos0ion costa aner the current fiscal yeerwill be partially offset by the annual FEMA match of <br />approximately $20,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the BOaN approve: <br />1. The new Emergency Management Specialist position elfedHe October 1, 2001. <br />2. An amentlment to the Classification and Pay Plan b add the new doss of Emergency <br />Management Specialist at Salary Gretle 69. <br />