Orange County NC Website
Ona6 Cuuvly O¢p-tlm¢olwgK:nR EW¢rtdre 9ervia'a <br />Hoary Houu Cleaulag S¢Mea Palky autl Praetlura <br />Policy: The Hesry HOUmolev:hy 9arvloe isemonlldy servlacav®1¢bbmludlvltlualS OVU WO age of <br />60, wha su(tar fiom cMoNcmediwl wnditiow and meat Wa oNar progam eliybfiiry rryuiremrnt, <br />indWing: inability wpMOrm hearyhamedewmRtasps indeprndrntly, non-penieipesian in Mher <br />mnry m.tterc fwdM m-Home aide programs, ane a meFimum mooNly iMividual income 0f 206 0 of <br />ppvenr lwel. <br />rmeeanre <br />1. Ite[emis ro We hoary hotuecleaningserviuswill be ucepletl tram medical mdSaciN service <br />pralessiotmis ana fmm imiviauNS in ue aommuniry. <br />2. Auwsments of individuals reynestinRth¢s¢rvim wJl induce: mza¢sl Nrlory, currevl level of <br />awmfim nfmfir ruing fAHrsl and iodamo<mal auivid¢~ of eaiq ravingpAHhax absmvminn o[ <br />mobbtyane ew:mnne, review of¢nrrrnt N-mme aervlrve, ana nnan¢iaLoraeNnq <br />3. SO ba ell®Tlelorxrvict adienl mustsoRer hour achmNC end serious mafiealwMhloq which <br />Iwuls mobJiry and evdmevee (e g. coogeslive heart INM1VC, tlwuic obswclive puhvumry Juure, <br />rmum '. ux o-ew•,,e mawdlia t~~ <br />a. Thbe eliemk for Wiav:maiee,a¢hemmun be ivtlep:Hamlin AOha ana nmreceivmR any m-home inch <br />s. mdivia~~ala wnoa~as wim p¢mnvel aura wm nol boa ymd imo wa ptog:~bxaase Nay <br />an quNify for awices Gom a CNA wha can pwviae rpp[ housekeeping in aaNtion w pnenal <br />era. Such iMividuvl¢ will lu mftrt¢dm Mcdirad nr HCCBG NNE¢d pMgems. <br />6. Individuals who and ouasiovai assulavice with mrands in addition w h¢avr homalemivg srnicez will <br />also be refinedto Ne Frieod-WRientl Progam. <br />]. ToMdiNble l'of NiS proHavh all ivdivld:ry'gineamo mmib¢nyttW wor less tlum266Yo ofWVmry <br />level. <br />d Heavy rJeaviog servlws will Ee providM by an UUlividusl or bunnezs conuartrd by Orange COOrrtym <br />ryovide lheu services. the cleaning servtrewJl be peN on vweekly basis Na wbmivwg bills fw <br />iceb Ormtge COUVrylleletwteNOn AymR <br />9. Climf's prymevt for monthly hoary M1OUSeclev:ivgserviaes will be bautl on a.UiGngsWeke sshetlvle <br />autl egreetl upon prio wfhei oofservices. <br />10.Abill[or rerviws will bemovided ~o the dint whvv swvices aomvd¢rW. <br />11.Che¢ksmmoney mden xdWawtrespanding bJlstub will be mailu]w the Chapel Hill BeviorCm[er <br />wifnin la dove of amice. <br />12. Service wJlm[ be pmvidetl ifNe pmiouv wmH:'s bill M1v m[been paitl. The supervuormay emend <br />w for moaW wiWOm paymmtifihe diem's iodividual5ilumtm wamnlssw.6an <br />exMUim <br />13. When glltMheavy housecleaow8 slurs are filletl, afirsl-mmcfirsl xrve wail lis[will6e n4blishea. <br />ONy Wu wdividuaLa wha meet me ¢nlcne for v'rvim will beaddedw the waitli9. To kc¢p dm <br />wait li4realistiy Ne maximum wullin wsI16e 20 teasotu. <br />awvt~M <br />