Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: D561B1AE-DF34-4907-AD06-AOEB37BBE427 <br /> r <br /> i <br /> Attach to Bid Attach to Bid Attach to Bid Attach to Bid Attach to Bid Attach to Bid Attach to Bid Attach to Bid <br /> State of Nprth Carolina AFFIDAVIT A- Listing of Good Faith Efforts <br /> County of <br /> (Name of Bidder) <br /> Affidavit of ( <br /> I have madle a good faith of ort to comply under the following areas checked: <br /> Bidders must earn at least 50 points from the good faith efforts listed for their bid to be <br /> co sidered responsive. (1 NC Administrative Code 30 1.0101) <br /> Lf 1 —(10 pts) Contacted minority businesses that reasonably could have been expected to submit a quote and j <br /> that were known to the contractor, or available on State or local government maintained lists, at least 10 days <br /> efore the bid date and notified them of the nature and scope of the work to be performed. <br /> 2--(10 pts) Made the construction plans, specifications and requirements available for review by prospective <br /> 'n inority businesses, or providing these documents to them at least 10 days before the bids are due. <br /> 3—(15 pts) Broken down or combined elements of work into economically feasible units to facilitate minority <br /> participation. <br /> ❑ 4—(10 pts)Worked with minority trade, community, or contractor organizations identified by the Office of I` <br /> Historically Underutilized Businesses and included in the bid documents that provide assistance in <br /> recruitment of minority businesses. <br /> Q/5—(10 pts)Attended prebid meetings scheduled by the public owner. j <br /> ❑ 6—(20 pts) Provided assistance in getting required bonding or insurance or provided alternatives to bonding <br /> ,�,/or insurance for subcontractors. <br /> Ud 7—(15 pts) Negotiated in good faith with interested minority businesses and did not reject them as <br /> unqualified without sound reasons based on their capabilities. Any rejection of a minority business based on <br /> lack of qualification should have the reasons documented in writing. <br /> l� <br /> 8—(25 pts) Provided assistance to an otherwise qualified minority business in need of equipment, loan <br /> capital, lines of credit, or joint pay agreements to secure loans, supplies, or letters of credit, including waiving <br /> credit that is ordinarily required. Assisted minority businesses in obtaining the same unit pricing with the <br /> bidder's suppliers in order to help minority businesses in establishing credit. <br /> ❑ 9—(20 pts) Negotiated joint venture and partnership arrangements with minority businesses in order to <br /> increase opportunities for minority business participation on a public construction or repair project when <br /> /Possible. <br /> ® 10-(20 pts) Provided quick pay agreements and policies to enable minority contractors and suppliers to <br /> meet cash-flow demands. <br /> 'i <br /> The undersigned, if apparent low bidder, will enter into a formal agreement with the firms listed in the <br /> Identification of Minority Business Participation schedule conditional upon scope of contract to be <br /> executed with the Owner. Substitution of contractors must be in accordance with GS143-128.2(d) <br /> Failure to abide by this statutory provision will constitute a breach of the contract. <br /> The undersigned hereby certifies that he or she has read the terms of the minority business <br /> commitment and is authorized to bind the bidder to the commitment herein set forth. <br /> k- <br /> Dated ll ame of Authorized Officer: <br /> Signature: 1 f, <br /> G E <br /> R Y State of , County ofoo <br /> _ <br /> Subscribed and to fore his ay of daj <br /> P 13, � A Cs� Notary Publ' <br /> My conuni&iat expires d �a <br /> 11i� cou``���� <br /> MBForms 2002-Revised July 2010 <br />