Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:BDA7E64D-AE04-4453-8E17-223D610346CF <br /> OCSO shall be returned immediately upon the termination of the paramedic's <br /> assignment as a tactical paramedic for Orange County Emergency Services. <br /> C. In General <br /> 1. Authority within Program. The Sheriff's Office and Emergency Services <br /> chain of command shall be recognized and remain in effect for the duration of <br /> this MOU. The Chain of Command of each agency shall act independently <br /> of each other except as follows: <br /> a. Sherriff s Office command has the ultimate authority regarding <br /> tactical decisions. During tactical operations, any responding <br /> Tactical Medic is under the direct command of the Sheriff's <br /> Office's team leader as it relates to law enforcement actions and <br /> tactical or operations decisions related to the call. <br /> b. The Tactical Medics shall be under the command of the Tactical <br /> Team Medic Leader as it relates to the provision of medical care <br /> and will make and implement all medical decisions unless the <br /> decision will endanger team safety, jeopardize mission <br /> accomplishment, or conflict with organizations <br /> 2. Tactical Paramedics Support Services <br /> a. Emergency Services will provide tactical medical support in the form of <br /> qualified paramedics and necessary on-scene medical equipment: <br /> i. To the Sheriff's Office within Orange County jurisdictional limits; and <br /> ii. To the Sheriff's Office when they are providing mutual aide to other <br /> jurisdictions; and <br /> iii. When requested by other jurisdiction through the Sheriff's office to <br /> provide mutual aide to those jurisdictions. <br /> 3. The Parties will develop Standard Operating Procedures to provide the <br /> administrative guidance for day-to-day operations. <br /> This the 31 st day of December 2020. <br /> Sheriffs Office Emergency Services <br /> DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: <br /> C arles Blackwood, Sheriff ina Jeffries, Director <br /> 4 <br />