Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:070B6BC7-CDE2-4AO8-BE62-07FA6BFDO53B <br /> 11/20/2020 <br /> E. Termination Bar: Provide an aluminum or stainless steel termination or compression bar, 1/8"x <br /> 1". Bar shall have pre-drilled slotted holes at 8"o.c.No plastic or polymer termination bars will <br /> be accepted. Secure with stainless steel fasteners suitable for securement into existing masonry. <br /> Drive pin-type fasteners are not accepted for this application due to potential for damage to <br /> masonry. <br /> F. Protection Board: Provide extruded polystyrene rigid board insulation meeting requirements of <br /> ASTM C578, Type IV. Insulation shall be 1" thick and have a minimum compressive strength <br /> of 25 psi per ASTM D 1621.Insulation shall have a minimum density of 1.55 pcf,and a maximum <br /> water absorption of 0.1%by volume in accordance with ASTM C272. Acceptable products and <br /> manufacturers include: Styrofoam by Dow; Foamular 250 by Owens Corning, and Greenguard <br /> by Kingspan. Provide manufacturer recommended adhesive or detail tape for securement until <br /> backfill. <br /> G. Provide other waterproofing system accessories not specifically listed,but required for the proper <br /> and complete installation of the system. <br /> 2.2 MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR MATERIALS <br /> A. Polyethylene Sheeting and Tape: Provide 6 mil thick reinforced polyethylene plastic sheeting <br /> meeting ASTM D4397. Provide tape materials for sealing the laps/joints in the sheeting. Tape <br /> should be compatible with the sheeting and as recommended by the sheeting manufacturer. <br /> B. Repair Mortar: Provide a polymer-modified, fast-setting Portland cement repair mortar that is <br /> supplied in a factory-proportioned unit and can be used on vertical masonry surfaces. Product <br /> shall be capable of stopping pressure leakage of water and shall have a rapid set time. Basis of <br /> design, SikaSet Plug, or approved equal. <br /> C. Backfill material: If there is not adequate material within the work area to complete backfill as <br /> required, obtain approved borrow soil material off-site and transport to the work area. <br /> D. Joint Sealant: Provide a one-part, low modulus non-sag polyurethane-based sealant in accordance <br /> with ASTM C920,Type S, Grade NS, Class 25. Acceptable manufacturers/products include: Sika <br /> Corp., Pecora, and Tremco, Inc. Provide closed-cell compressible backer rod (or bond break tape) <br /> and primer and required for a proper installation of sealant. Color to be selected from the <br /> manufacturer's standard colors. <br /> E. Provide other repair materials and accessories not specifically listed,but required for the proper <br /> and complete installation of the work. <br /> PART 3 -EXECUTION <br /> 3.1 EXCAVATION, INSPECTION,AND SURFACE PREPARATION <br /> A. Excavation of existing soil from existing grade down to the top of the foundation wall footing is <br /> required to allow for new waterproofing system installation. Excavation must be performed using <br /> 07 1300 BELOW GRADE WATERPROOFING Page 4 of 7 <br />