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DocuSign Envelope ID:070B6BC7-CDE2-4AO8-BE62-07FA6BFDO53B <br /> 11/20/2020 <br /> PART 2 -PRODUCTS <br /> 2.1 SURFACE PREPARATION AND WATERPROOFING MATERIALS <br /> A. Cementitious Parge Coat: Provide a cementitious parging mix designed for resurfacing/coating <br /> of existing masonry materials and to provide a smooth, even substrate for application of the <br /> waterproofing. Provide potable water and other accessories required for proper mixing and <br /> application. <br /> B. Sheet Waterproofing Membrane: Provide a self-adhesive, rubberized asphalt waterproofing <br /> membrane with a laminated high density polyethylene film, total nominal thickness of 0.060" <br /> (0.056" rubberized asphalt and 0.004" HDPE). The sheet shall be designed and manufactured <br /> specifically for use as part of a below-grade waterproofing system on vertical foundation wall <br /> applications and shall be compatible with the existing substrates and intended use. Acceptable <br /> products and manufacturers include; Bituthene 3000 by Grace Construction Products; Polyguard <br /> 650 by Polyguard; or Mel-Rol by WR Meadows. <br /> a. Tensile Strength-Membrane: 325 psi min. (ASTM D 412—Die C) <br /> b. Tensile Strength—Film: 5000 psi min. (ASTM D 882) <br /> c. Elongation to Ultimate Failure of RA: 300%min. (ASTM D412) <br /> d. Permeance: 0.05 perms max. (ASTM E 96—water method) <br /> e. Crack Cycling(100 cycles): No effect(ASTM C 836 @-15°) <br /> f. Peel Adhesion: >91bs/in.width(ASTM D 903) <br /> g. Puncture Resistance(Membrane): 50 lbs. min. (ASTM E 154—Blunt Instr.) <br /> h. Resistance to Hydrostatic Head: 200 ft min. (ASTM D 5385-93) <br /> i. Water Absorption: 0.1%max. (ASTM D 570) <br /> j. The products/manufacturers listed denote the quality standard of product desired. Requests for <br /> substitution of another manufacturer or product must include sufficient documentation to indi- <br /> cate that manufacturer and/or product submitted meet the technical,performance,and warranty <br /> requirements of these specifications and are equivalent to the quality of those listed, must be <br /> submitted by qualified project bidders (not accepted from manufacturers). The Designer shall <br /> be the sole judge of acceptance of requests for substitution. <br /> C. Surface Primer: Provide a surface conditioner/primer recommended and supplied by the <br /> waterproofing membrane manufacturer for specific use with their sheet membrane material. <br /> Primer is intended for use over the cured parge coat to ensure a proper substrate and enhance <br /> adhesion of the waterproofing membrane. Primer use is required even if it is considered optional <br /> by the manufacturer. <br /> D. Liquid Membrane, Detail Tape, Detail Sealant, Mastic: Provide system-specific liquid <br /> membranes, detail tapes, detail sealants, and mastics supplied by the sheet membrane <br /> manufacturer and intended for use as a part of system detailing at corners, transitions, <br /> penetrations, and terminations, and other detailing conditions to meet the project and <br /> manufacturer requirements. <br /> 07 1300 BELOW GRADE WATERPROOFING Page 3 of 7 <br />