Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:A29AB125-209D-4CB9-854C-789BEC34FODD <br /> AG�NCY'INF©RMATIt)N <br /> Please provide the following information about your agency: <br /> 1. Date of Incorporation (Month/Year):September-1978 <br /> 2. Agency's Purpose/Mission (no more than a few sentences): <br /> "To promote and bring about the peaceful settlement of disputes and prevent the <br /> escalation of conflict through mediation, conciliation, facilitation, and training." <br /> Programs include Mediation, Training, Facilitation, and Restorative Practices. <br /> Program Service Requested Here; <br /> Mediation, conciliation and referral: We provide relief for community members <br /> struggling with interpersonal conflict, through conflict coaching, encouragement to <br /> reconciliation, appropriate referrals, and when screened and voluntarily agreed upon, <br /> mediation. People call, email, and come by with a wide variety of issues. Working with <br /> them takes time and skill, and this is not reflected in just the mediation numbers. With <br /> this application we are seeking support of the full program effort to encourage <br /> interpersonal resolutions, and getting people referred to the right service. This "calming <br /> effect" is behind the scenes but essential to a healthy community. <br /> Pre-Arrest Diversion Pilot Program (OC-PAD) was initiated in February 2019 for <br /> certain low-level misdemeanor adult first offenders. OC-PAD provides law enforcement <br /> officers the discretion to divert individuals who commit eligible low-level misdemeanor <br /> offenses from the criminal justice system and to provide them with accountability <br /> processes. The goal is to increase community safety and well-being by offering earlier <br /> and direct access to interventions, programming and education. Dispute Settlement <br /> Center is a partner in this Program and stands ready to assist with referrals to our <br /> Restorative Processes Program. <br /> (Possible) Restorative Justice for appropriate felony cases. We also stand ready <br /> to assist the Orange County justice system by providing Restorative Justice support <br /> for appropriate felony cases, as screened and referred by the DA and defense bar. As <br /> of this writing, we have had an initial meeting with DA Woodall to explore a possible <br /> case. This has been done in Durham and Asheville, and we are equipped to do it here, <br /> with the right cases. We would assign Val Hanson, JD, Restorative Practices Director <br /> to handle such cases. <br /> Please provide a brief description of your organization's past achievements in <br /> carrying out similar projects and evidence of successful record of meeting <br /> proposed budgets and timetables (no more than 100 words). <br /> For 40+ years we've provided mediation for court and community-referred disputes. <br /> Founded with the assistance of the Orange County BOCC, DSC provides mediation and <br /> conciliation services in Criminal District Court, sliding scale family mediations and provision <br /> of Medicaid Appeals mediations as well as consultation, conciliation coaching, and referral <br /> in addition to mediations held for neighborhood, business, workplace, eldercare, and Special <br /> Education. DSC has an over 80% mediation success rate. Until FY20, we requested support <br /> Program information Page 9 oil 22 <br />